
18. Timothy: Jeremy is driving me to my job interview at the bank. Angela: In that outfit? ______ Timothy: What would you recommend me to wear then? Angela: If I were you, I’d wear a navy blue or gray suit with a white dress shirt and a tie.
(A) Shouldn’t you change?
(B) Come on. It’s too late!
(C) Wish you get well soon!
(D) Wouldn’t you like to know?




【用戶】Hi World


【評論內容】從 (2) 的反問句看得出來 Angela 有看到 Timothy 要穿去面試的衣服,而且似乎不太滿意。再從 (4) Timothy 詢問 Angela 推薦他可以穿什麼來判斷,Angela 說的 (3) 應該是要 Timothy 把衣服換掉。Timothy: (1) Jeremy is driving me to my job interview at the bank. Jeremy 要開車送我去銀行面試。Angela: (2) In that outfit? (3) ______ 穿著那件衣服? ______Timothy: (4) What would you recommend me to wear then? 那你會建議我穿什麼?Angela: (5) If I were you, I’d wear a navy blue or gray suit with a white dress shirt and a tie. 如果我是你,我會穿深藍色或灰色西裝,搭配白色正裝襯衫和領帶。dress shirt (可配搭西服外套、領帶或領結的)男式禮服襯衫(A) Shouldn’t you change? 你不換嗎?(B) Come on. It’s too late! 快點。現在太晚了!(C) Wish you get well soon! 祝你早日康復!(D) Wouldn’t you like to know? 你不想知道嗎?英文7000單字表:https://hiworldwelcome.blogspot.com/2021/12/7000.html



【評論內容】蒂莫西:傑里米開車送我去銀行面試。安吉拉:穿著那件衣服? ______蒂莫西:那你會推薦我穿什麼?安吉拉:如果我是你,我會穿深藍色或灰色西裝,搭配白色正裝襯衫和領帶。(A) 你不應該改變嗎?(B) 來吧。 太晚了!(C) 祝你早日康復!(D) 你不想知道嗎?