
33-34 題
         Most people in Taiwan can choose their husband or wife, but people in some countries cannot. Millions ofchildren under the age of eighteen get married without a choice. Here are two stories.
         A ten-year-old girl from Niger, Geeta, got married to a thirty-year-old man. Geeta had her first baby andbecame a mother at eleven. She could not go to school because her baby needed her.
        Tanya, from Yemen, got married to a man at eleven because he gave her father money. She cried and said“NO!”, but nobody helped her. Her husband hit her very often . She was scared, and could not sleep at night. Themarriage was like a nightmare.
         Child marriage is happening in many countries. Children like Geeta and Tanya need our help. Let’s takeaction now!
【題組】33. What is reading mainly about?
(A) Marriage is a choice to people in Taiwan.
(B) Married girls with kids cannot go to school.
(C) Some children get married under the age of eighteen.
(D) We need to do something to stop child marriage.






【評論內容】Child marriage is ha☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆ ...