
(B)It is hard to love ants. Spiders and scorpions excepted, they are probably our least favorite insect. They give no honey; they do not brighten the air or chirp in hedgerows. Ants are small, dark and silent and live underground.They are venomous and they bite. They teem and swarm, moving en masse, like robots, in cryptic legions. And they are ugly. The industry of ants is a constant reproach to us; their most surprising feature, their social organization, seems sinister and totalitarian. Only our luck in being several thousand times as big keeps us safe from them.And ants, needless to say, do not love us. They hardly even notice us.This is hard to take. They challenge our anthropocentrism. For them, it seems we are not very important. And that is the truth of the matter. Ants are the most successful organisms in evolutionary history: there are over 8,000 species, distributed everywhere on Earth except the polar regions. Compared to this, primates are just a flash in the pan. Ants antedate us and will undoubtedly outlast us.Ants can eat us, but we cannot eat them with any pleasure. Unlike termites, ants, with a tough outer layer of chitin and a nasty whiff of formic acid in their body tissues, are generally indigestible, except by other ants. Even anteaters prefer termites. Ants, furthermore, are resistant to hard radiation and, in the case of some species, industrial pollution; some can live in deserts; some can float; some can slow metabolism down and survive under water for days on end.Why are ants so successful? Instead of the endless competition of human societies,where social hierarchies are continually demolished and rebuilt, ants have the division of labor written into their physiology. The ant colony is an almost exclusively female society, with the males remaining in the nest only until the time of their fatal nuptial flight. Like other social insects, males mate once and die. Workers, wingless non-reproductive females, are physically differentiated from birth, bred for toil and sterility.
【題組】46.According to the author,the fact that ants are always working_.
(A)makes humans feel lucky
(B) makes humans feel guilty
(C)makes them appear sinister
(D) makes them hard to love








