
(A)Some scientists believe that accepting “legal limits” of specific metabolites without such rigorous verification goesagainst the foundational standards of modern science.
(B)These were just a few in a long line of cases in which competitors had been accused of using performance-enhancingsubstances.
(C)The alternative could see the innocent being punished while the guilty escape on the grounds of reasonable doubt.
(D)In the process, they push the human body to its limits and go beyond what is known about the drugs being taken.






【評論內容】【完整文章】Before the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing took place, several athletes had faced charges of taking substances banned by the International Olympic Committee. These were just a few in a long line of cases in which competitors had been accused of using performance-enhancing substances. Far from quelling such practices, the advent of drug testing in sports in the late 1960s stimulated an arms race between regulators and the cheats. Today, some athletes and their coaches continue to risk their reputation, and sometimes the athletes' long-term health, for the cha...