
20. Which of the following sentences is NOT correct?
(A) The doctor suggested him to get up early.
(B) The doctor suggested him that he should get up early.
(C) The doctor suggested that he get up early.
(D) The doctor suggested that he should get up early.


統計:A(73),B(96),C(36),D(10),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:teaching method




【評論內容】suggest sb (should) do something,因為有一個should被省略不寫了,但它的作用還是存在,所以後面要接原形動詞



【評論內容】(B) The doctor suggested "to" him that he should get up early.中的"to"是多餘的。



【評論內容】原本題目:20. Which of the following sentences is NOT correct?(A) The doctor suggested him to get up early.(B) The doctor suggested to him that he should get up early.(C) The doctor suggested that he get up early.(D) The doctor suggested that he should get up early.修改成為20. Which of the following sentences is NOT correct?(A) The doctor suggested him to get up early.(B) The doctor suggested him that he should get up early.(C) The doctor suggested that he get up early.(D) The doctor suggested that he should get up early....