
 Dear Ashley,
         I’m so happy to know that you are coming to stay with us this summer. Do you remember Mr. Wang, the owner of the fruit farm? He’s excited to see you again. Though last time we ate more than half of what we   36    for him, he still welcomes us to work on his farm this year. He even told me that Mrs. Wang   37    pear pies for us if we pick more than we eat. Mr. Wang’s pies are pretty famous in this town, so we’d better(最好) work harder on the farm this year.
         Also, my mother brought some chickens and ducklings home a few days ago. We   38    them in the yard now. It’s interesting to see the chickens walking around the pool and not able to reach their duckling friends in the water because the ducklings can swim, but they can’t.
        By the way, my cousin, Tracy, is going to join us a week later after you arrive. My mother asked me to look after her, so Tracy   39     us almost everywhere. She’s a nice little girl and always listens to me when she stays at my home, so she won’t be a problem when we play. See you soon.Love, *remember 記得 though 雖然 half 一半 pretty相當 harder更努力Heidi duckling 小鴨 pool池磄 reach 到達 look after 看顧 raise 養育
(A) pick 
(B) picked  
(C) would pick 
(D) will pick






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...