
A lot of people think that pigs are dirty, but they are not.It’s true that pigs like to cool off by lying in the mud, but theycan also do the same thing in the water. Their bodies don’tactually smell at all.     Pigs are very smart, and they can even be trained to dotricks. They can also be good pets. Some people keep themin their homes and give them toys to play with. However, if ahouse pig doesn’t have toys, it will get bored. Then it mightstart breaking and eating things.     Pigs’ tails are cute and curly. They show how healthy theyare, too. A curly tail is a sign of a healthy pig, while a straightone means the pigs is probably sick.
     lying 躺;mud 泥巴;smell 聞;at all 完全;train 訓練;     keep 飼養;bored 無聊;breaking 打破;tail 尾巴;     curly 捲的;while 然而;straight 直的;mood 心情
【題組】40. What do many people believe about pigs?
(A) They are dirty.
(B) They are boring.
(C) They are cool.
(D) They smell great.






【評論內容】Q:What do many peopl☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...