
三、閱讀測驗  (21-23) Emma: Andy’s having a tasting party this Sunday. Emily: No! Emma: And we’re both invited. Emily: No! I told you I’d never go to any of his tastingparties again! Emma: He said he wanted to share his newest cakes withhis dearest friends. Emily: If he sees us as his dearest friends, he should stophaving tasting parties! Emma: Well, looks like baking really brings joy to hislife. Emily: But it takes joy away from our life! Last time, Iwas in bed for three days after his party. Emma: If you hate it so much, you can just tell him. Emily: Why do I always have to be the bad person?Remember when I woke him up from his dream ofmaking clothes? There was a lot of crying, and hewouldn’t talk to me for a month. You do it this time.Emma: I can’t. How am I going to face him in our dancingclasses if I tell him? Emily: So we still have to lie at his party again? Emma: I’m afraid so. 

face 面對; lie 說謊
【題組】21. What can we learn about Andy?
(A) He didn’t know how to say no to his friends.
(B) His friends did not like the clothes he made.
(C) He is taking baking classes with Emma.
(D) His friends think he is a great dancer.






【評論內容】艾瑪:安迪這個星期天有一個試吃會。艾米麗:不!艾瑪:我們都被邀請了。艾米麗:不! 我告訴過你我再也不會參加他的任何試吃會了!艾瑪:他說他想和他最親愛的朋友分享他最新的蛋糕。艾米麗:如果他把我們當作他最親密的朋友,他就應該停止舉辦試吃會!艾瑪:嗯,看起來烘焙真的給他的生活帶來了快樂。艾米麗:但這會帶走我們生活中的快樂! 上次,我在他的聚會結束後在床上躺了三天。艾瑪:如果你非常討厭它,你可以告訴他。艾米麗:為什麼我總是要做壞人? 還記得我把他從做衣服的夢想中叫醒的時候嗎? 哭得很厲害,他一個月不和我說話。 這次你做到了。 艾瑪:我不能。 如果我告訴他,我將如何在我們的舞蹈課上面對他?艾米麗:所以我們還要在他的派對上撒謊?艾瑪:恐怕是這樣。What can we learn about Andy?   我們可以從安迪身上學到什麼?(B) His friends did not like the clothes he made. (B) 他的朋友不喜歡他做的衣服。