
Before patients' blood pressure is measured in a doctor's office, _________ and at rest for at least 10 minutes appears to give more reliable results.
(A)have them sat
(B)having them set
(C)to have them set
(D)having them seated 
(E) have them seated


統計:A(31),B(69),C(32),D(214),E(36) #
個人:尚未作答書單:Safe Drinking Water is Essential 、經濟部辦理台電公司及中油公司95 年度新進職員甄試試題


【用戶】Shi Jou


【評論內容】Before patients' blood pressure is measured in a doctor's office, having them seated and at rest for at least 10 minutes appears to give more reliable results.測量患者的血壓在醫生的辦公室前,讓他們就位,並在休息至少10分鐘,似乎得到更可靠的結果。(A)有他們坐在(B)他們設置(三)有他們設置(D)他們坐在(E)讓他們坐在

【用戶】Hsu Baleng



【用戶】Shi Jou


【評論內容】試卷顯示 (D) (E)相連Before patients' blood pressure is measured in a doctor's office, _________ and at rest for at least 10 minutes appears to give more reliable results.(A)have them sat(B)having them set(C)to have them set(D)having them seated(E)have them seated答案: A B C D   請修正為Before patients' blood pressure is measured in a doctor's office, _________ and at rest for at least 10 minutes appears to give more reliable results.(A)have them sat(B)having them set(C)to have them set(D)having them seated(E)have them seated答案: A...

【用戶】Shi Jou


【評論內容】Before patients' blood pressure is measured in a doctor's office, having them seated and at rest for at least 10 minutes .....看完整詳解

【用戶】Shi Jou


【評論內容】試卷顯示 (D) (E)相連Before patients' blood pressure is measured in a doctor's office, _________ and at rest for at least 10 minutes appears to give more reliable results.(A)have them sat(B)having them set(C)to have them set(D)having them seated(E)have them seated答案: A B C D   請修正為Before patients' blood pressure is measured in a doctor's office, _________ and at rest for at least 10 minutes appears to give more reliable results.(A)have them sat(B)having them set(C)to have them set(D)having them seated(E)have them seated答案: A...



【評論內容】have a seat=請坐.



【評論內容】have a seat=請坐.



【評論內容】這裡的seat是動詞,跟have a seat裡的seat詞性不同。have them seated 是讓他們坐下的意思,因為病人是被動地坐下,所以seat-->seated至於have改成having則是因為後面這句已經有一個動詞appears了,所以要把它改成動名詞成為名詞子句