
【題組】49 
(A)conformed 
(B)deformed 
(C)informed 




【用戶】Ingrid Sakaki


【評論內容】deformed (a.) 畸形的

【用戶】骨頭(警 上榜)


【評論內容】conform翻譯:順從;遵從;隨大流,順應習俗。deform翻譯:使變形,使扭曲, 變形。inform翻譯:通知,告知。reform翻譯:(尤指透過改變人的行為或事物的構造而)改革,改進,改造, (尤指人的行為或事物構造方面的)改革,改進,改造,改良。

【用戶】Wei Wei(109警特


【評論內容】請刪除多於符號  □



【評論內容】原本題目:Nearly two thirds of domestic violence involves drinking. Alcohol abuse by parents is strongly tied to child neglect and juvenile delinquency. Drinking during pregnancy can lead to _____48_____ and is a major cause of such birth defects as _____49_____ limbs and mental retardation. Those who depend on alcohol are _____50_____ happy: over a fourth of the patients in state and county mental institutions have alcohol problems; more than half of all violent crimes are alcohol-related.【題組】49 (A)conformed (B)deformed (C)informed (D)reformed.修改成為49 (A)conformed (B)deformed (...



【評論內容】conform翻譯:順從;遵從;隨大流,順應習俗。deform翻譯:使變形,使扭曲, 變形。inform翻譯:通知,告知。reform翻譯:(尤指透過改變人的行為或事物的構造而)改革,改進,改造, (尤指人的行為或事物構造方面的)改革,改進,改造,改良。

【用戶】Wei Wei(109警特


【評論內容】請刪除多於符號  □



【評論內容】原本題目:Nearly two thirds of domestic violence involves drinking. Alcohol abuse by parents is strongly tied to child neglect and juvenile delinquency. Drinking during pregnancy can lead to _____48_____ and is a major cause of such birth defects as _____49_____ limbs and mental retardation. Those who depend on alcohol are _____50_____ happy: over a fourth of the patients in state and county mental institutions have alcohol problems; more than half of all violent crimes are alcohol-related.【題組】49 (A)conformed (B)deformed (C)informed (D)reformed.修改成為49 (A)conformed (B)deformed (...