
With growing frequency, statistics reveal a considerable prevalence of vandalism and violence in schools all over the United States. The annual reports by the FBI attest to the perennial rise of juvenile delinquency and crime in society at large.Information released by the New York City Board of Education in December 1975 should cause considerable anxiety. In “Fun City,” the number of acts of crime in the public schools during September-November 1975 was 55% higher than for the corresponding period in 1974. The major criminal actions were assaults on teachers and robberies of teachers, pupils, and others.The blame for this situation has frequently been laid at the door of the current status and mood of society. Among the contributory factors cited are the deplorable economy, racial tensions and clashes, the availability of weapons, and widespread accessibility of drugs and liquor, the daily depiction of violence in television programs, the inconsistent and light punishment meted out by the courts, and parental and pedagogical permissiveness. Efforts at coping with the waves of school vandalism and crime have been hampered by judicial and social restrictions upon suspension, exclusion, and corporal punishment, accompanied by an insistence upon a broad definition of pupil rights.
【題組】40 According to the passage, what does “Fun City” refer to?
(B)Public schools
(C)New York
(D)The United States






【評論內容】prevalence KK[ˋprɛvələns]n.[U]流行, 盛行; 普遍, 廣泛the prevalence of burglaries 盜竊盛行(疾病等的)流行程度



【評論內容】prevalence KK[ˋprɛvələns]n.[U]流行, 盛行; 普遍, 廣泛the prevalence of burglaries 盜竊盛行(疾病等的)流行程度



【評論內容】prevalence KK[ˋprɛvələns]n.[U]流行, 盛行; 普遍, 廣泛the prevalence of burglaries 盜竊盛行(疾病等的)流行程度