
(A) They look younger than they really are, and they are proud of it!
(B) The fear of aging is not only the fear of losing one’s health but also that of losing one’s looks.
(C) Consequently, projecting a youthful image may be necessary for getting or keeping a job.
(D) For centuries, people have been interested in medical advances that can prolong life.






【評論內容】Nowadays, older people do not receive respect for their additional years and experience and may even be looked down upon for being old-fashioned or just old.現今,年長的人未因額外的經驗獲尊重.......甚至因......被看低.......39.(C) Consequently, projecting a youthful image may be necessary for getting or keeping a job. 因此,投射出年輕的形象可能對獲得或是保持工作是必要的。



【評論內容】瞧不起一切老的象徵,導致一味追求年輕。Nowadays, older people do not receive respect for their additional years and experience and may even be looked down upon for being old-fashioned or just old. Consequently, projecting a youthful image may be necessary for getting or keeping a job.如今長者並未因他們的輩分與經歷而獲得尊重,甚至因老派作風,或只是單純的老了,就被瞧不起。結果現在人們務必營造自身年輕氣盛的樣子,以利求職或保住飯碗。