
C. People sometimes have problems that they don’t want their friends or family to know about. With no one to talk to, they begin to feel worse and may even want to kill themselves. In Britain there is an organization to help such people—Samaritans. They are named after “the Good Samaritan” in the Bible story.  Anyone can phone Samaritans, day or night. The person they speak to will not tell anyone else about the call, so callers can feel free to talk. Samaritans teach their workers to listen in a kind way, and to ask the callers to talk more about their worries. Callers are welcome to continue calling. Samaritans do not give advice, but will listen to any problem, whatever it is. However, if people are thinking of killing themselves, the “Samaritan” will offer instant help.  Samaritans believe that unhappy people feel better when someone listens to and cares about their problem. They say that after speaking to them, many callers are ready to do something about their problems. Samaritans don’t promise to give easy answers, and they know they cannot help everyone. However, they are always there to listen. For many people, Samaritans are the first to hear about their problems. Having a kind listener is enough for some to stop worrying. Others find that talking to someone at Samaritans makes them feel stronger, so that they can begin to help themselves.
【題組】46 The British organization, Samaritans got its name from _______.
(A) a TV show
(B) an accident
(C) a stranger
(D) the Bible

