
7. When your bowel movements become less frequent and stools become difficult to pass, you may have________.
(A) infarction
(B) constipation
(C) diarrhea
(D) paralysis






【評論內容】 When your bowel movements become less frequent and stools become difficult to pass, you may have constipation. 當您的排便次數減少並且大便變得難以排出時,您可能患有便秘。(A) infarction 梗塞 (B) constipation 便秘 (C) diarrhea 腹瀉(D) paralysis 癱瘓*bowel movement(尤為醫護人員用語)排便*stools  n.糞便    He told the doctor he had been passing bloody stools.他告訴醫生他便血。❖補充:同義字*faeces  n. 糞;排泄物;渣滓    However after parturition, faeces Ca was increasing and urine Ca was reducing.*ordure   n. 排泄物;淫穢物*dung  n. 動物的糞便    They went about collecting dung.*excrement  n. 排泄物;糞便    My main role was to analyse human excrement.(沒想到便便有這麼多同義字,更詳細區分、用法要請教專業老師了)



【評論內容】題目:當你的腸道運動變得不頻繁,排便困難時,你可能會有________。正確答案為(B) 便秘 (constipation)。便秘是指排便不暢通或排便困難的狀態,是與腸胃道相關的一種常見問題,符合句子的意思。Infarction指的是心肌梗塞或器官缺血,這個詞在這個上下文中不適用。Diarrhea的意思是腹瀉,和句子中的症狀相反,因此不適用。Paralysis的意思是麻痺,和句子中的症狀也不相符,因此不適用。



【評論內容】(A) infarction 梗塞 : in + farce n.鬧劇 +ion (名詞) = n.梗塞(B) constipation 便秘 : constipate (vt.)使便祕 + ion(名詞) = n.便秘(C) diarrhea 腹瀉 : dia穿過 + rrhea 液體流出 = n.腹瀉(D) paralysis 癱瘓 : paralyze vt.使癱瘓 + sis(名詞) = n.癱瘓



【評論內容】7. 當你的排便變得不頻繁,且大便難以排出時,你可能患有便秘。答案:B(便秘)其他選項翻譯:- (A) 梗塞,梗死- (C) 腹瀉- (D) 麻痺



【評論內容】 When your bowel movements become less frequent and stools become difficult to pass, you may have constipation. 當您的排便次數減少並且大便變得難以排出時,您可能患有便秘。(A) infarction 梗塞 (B) constipation 便秘 (C) diarrhea 腹瀉(D) paralysis 癱瘓*bowel movement(尤為醫護人員用語)排便*stools  n.糞便    He told the doctor he had been passing bloody stools.他告訴醫生他便血。❖補充:同義字*faeces  n. 糞;排泄物;渣滓    However after parturition, faeces Ca was increasing and urine Ca was reducing.*ordure   n. 排泄物;淫穢物*dung  n. 動物的糞便    They went about collecting dung.*excrement  n. 排泄物;糞便    My main role was to analyse human excrement.(沒想到便便有這麼多同義字,更詳細區分、用法要請教專業老師了)



【評論內容】題目:當你的腸道運動變得不頻繁,排便困難時,你可能會有________。正確答案為(B) 便秘 (constipation)。便秘是指排便不暢通或排便困難的狀態,是與腸胃道相關的一種常見問題,符合句子的意思。Infarction指的是心肌梗塞或器官缺血,這個詞在這個上下文中不適用。Diarrhea的意思是腹瀉,和句子中的症狀相反,因此不適用。Paralysis的意思是麻痺,和句子中的症狀也不相符,因此不適用。



【評論內容】(A) infarction 梗塞 : in + farce n.鬧劇 +ion (名詞) = n.梗塞(B) constipation 便秘 : constipate (vt.)使便祕 + ion(名詞) = n.便秘(C) diarrhea 腹瀉 : dia穿過 + rrhea 液體流出 = n.腹瀉(D) paralysis 癱瘓 : paralyze vt.使癱瘓 + sis(名詞) = n.癱瘓



【評論內容】7. 當你的排便變得不頻繁,且大便難以排出時,你可能患有便秘。答案:B(便秘)其他選項翻譯:- (A) 梗塞,梗死- (C) 腹瀉- (D) 麻痺