【評論主題】10. ________ is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to m

【評論內容】Arthritis is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to move them.關節炎是關節腫脹和疼痛的一種情況,使它們難以移動。(A) Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症(B) Hepatitis 肝炎(C) Bronchitis 支氣管炎(D) Arthritis 關節炎

【評論主題】10. ________ is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to m

【評論內容】Arthritis is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to move them.關節炎是關節腫脹和疼痛的一種情況,使它們難以移動。(A) Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症(B) Hepatitis 肝炎(C) Bronchitis 支氣管炎(D) Arthritis 關節炎

【評論主題】10. ________ is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to m

【評論內容】Arthritis is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to move them.關節炎是關節腫脹和疼痛的一種情況,使它們難以移動。(A) Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症(B) Hepatitis 肝炎(C) Bronchitis 支氣管炎(D) Arthritis 關節炎

【評論主題】10. ________ is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to m

【評論內容】Arthritis is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to move them.關節炎是關節腫脹和疼痛的一種情況,使它們難以移動。(A) Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症(B) Hepatitis 肝炎(C) Bronchitis 支氣管炎(D) Arthritis 關節炎

【評論主題】10. ________ is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to m

【評論內容】Arthritis is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to move them.關節炎是關節腫脹和疼痛的一種情況,使它們難以移動。(A) Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症(B) Hepatitis 肝炎(C) Bronchitis 支氣管炎(D) Arthritis 關節炎

【評論主題】10. 下列哪個選項不含外來語?(A) 小李在尾牙晚宴表演脫口秀,獲得同事好評。(B) 計程車、巴士是鄉間小鎮常見的大眾交通工具。(C) 蚵仔麵線、甜不辣、雞排是夜市極受歡迎的小吃。(D) 久旱不雨造

【評論內容】(A) 脫口秀:來自英文talk show (B)巴士:來自英文bus(C)甜不辣一詞源自日本料理-天ぷら(てんぷら,Tempura)(D)不含外來語

【評論主題】9. 下列詞語哪個選項不是外來語的音譯?(A) 邏輯 (B) 猶豫 (C) 幽默 (D) 浪漫

【評論內容】(A) 邏輯:是從英文logic 直接音翻

【評論主題】7. 《大醫精誠》:「夫為醫之法,不多語調笑,談謔諠譁,道說是非,議論人物,衒燿聲名,訾毀諸醫,自矜己德;偶然治差一病,則昂頭戴面,而有自許之貌,謂天下無雙。此醫人之膏肓。」下列哪個選項最適當?(A)

【評論內容】「夫為醫之法,不多語調笑,談謔諠譁,道說是非,議論人物,衒燿聲名, 訾毀諸醫,自矜己德;偶然治差一病,則昂頭戴面,而有自許之貌,謂天下無雙。此醫人 之膏肓。」譯文:做醫生的標準,不可多言取樂,高聲談笑,說長道短,非議他人,炫耀聲名,誹謗衆醫自己誇耀自己的德行,偶然治癒一病,就昂頭仰面,流露出自我欣賞的神態,認爲天下無雙,這是醫生的難以去除的惡劣習氣啊。(A) 「調」表示挑逗。  取樂

【評論主題】8. 下列與中藥有關的「謎面—謎底」,哪個選項最不適當?(A) 故鄉—熟地 (B) 冰川—寒水石(C) 窈窕淑女—使君子 (D) 枯木逢春—天花粉

【評論內容】(D) 枯木逢春—天花粉 蘇木枯木逢春:比喻雖處於絕境卻重獲生機,或劣境忽然轉好。枯木重生復甦了,所以是甦木,諧音蘇木(我猜的)中藥謎題:https://www.163.com/dy/article/DUVLVIT00514PES2.html

【評論主題】6. 下列各組成語中,哪個選項前後文意相同?(A) 前倨後恭/玩世不恭 (B) 三人成虎/眾口鑠金(C) 尾生抱柱/信口雌黃 (D) 笑裡藏刀/表裡如一

【評論內容】(A) 前倨後恭:先前傲慢無禮,後又謙卑恭敬。比喻待人勢利,態度轉變迅速。玩世不恭:不莊重、不嚴謹的生活態度。

【評論主題】3. 「彭城夫人夜之廁,蠆螫其手,呻呼無賴。佗令溫湯近熱,漬手其中,卒可得寐,但旁人數為易湯,湯令煖之,其旦即愈。」(《三國志・華佗傳》)下列哪個選項最不適當?(A)「之」廁:去、前往(B)「蠆」:蠍



(A) 「之」廁:去、前往

【評論主題】【題組】29. 根據上文,下列選項敘述正確的是:(A) 班超口才很好,又喜歡鑽研書籍與傳記(B) 班超因家中貧窮,曾賣書給官府以維生(C) 班超嘗拜謁丞相,深受丞相認同與勉勵(D) 算命先生早預知,班



【評論主題】※閱讀下文後,回答第 27〜29 題          班超(西元 32〜102 年),字仲升,扶風平陵人,徐令班彪之少子也。為人有大志,不修細節。然內孝謹,居家常執勤苦,不恥勞辱。有口辯,而涉獵書傳


(A) 「外子」對應的是「內子」稱呼,是妻子專門用來稱呼自己丈夫的話語。 (正確)(B)舍弟:兄弟姐妹稱 (正確)(C) 班超好友:「班超!聽聞你將遠行是欲前往何方」(對朋友敬稱是“足下” ,朋友之間也可互相稱兄道弟;同學稱:同窗。)(D)家兄:兄弟姐妹稱 (正確)

【評論主題】【題組】28. 上文「左右皆笑之」,班超回答:「小子安知壯士志哉!」下列最適合用來形容此情景的是:(A) 燕雀豈知鴻鵠之志 (B) 瞠乎其後難望項背(C) 扶搖直上平步青雲 (D) 見賢思齊力爭上游



(A) 燕雀豈知鴻鵠之志:比喻庸俗者無法理解志向遠大者的抱負。

【評論主題】8. A NSW community-based ___ and hospice care service were comprehensively assessed for sustainabili

【評論內容】A NSW community-based palliative and hospice care service were comprehensively assessed for sustainability, and several challenges were identified, such as the need to examine models of end- of-life care for rural patients.一項基於新南威爾士州社區的姑息治療和臨終關懷服務的可持續性得到了全面評估,並確定了一些挑戰,例如需要檢查農村患者的臨終關懷模式。(A) pantheon (某一領域的)名流,名人,重要人物(B) palliative 保守療法(C) palpitation 顫動,跳動。【醫學】心悸。(D) pestilence 瘟疫(E) peculation 投機,侵吞(公款等)重要單字:hospice(尤指癌症末期患者的)臨終醫院,善終醫院,安養院Hospice & Palliative Care 緩和醫療病房Palliative Care 緩和醫療,安寧療護End-of-life care臨終護理

【評論主題】7. In some countries, routine episiotomies and the use of oxytocin during a normal labor appeared to


In some countries, routine episiotomies and the use of oxytocin during a normal labor appeared to deter women from seeking skilled care during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.在一些國家,常規會陰切開術和在正常分娩期間使用催產素似乎阻止了婦女在懷孕、分娩和產後期間尋求專業護理。(A) deploy 【軍事】散開,部署(B) dilute 稀釋(C) despise 鄙視(D) deter 威懾,防止

paint sth. to deter rust 涂…防銹deter(sb.) from 制止(人)…

(E) devise 設計,【法律】遺讓(財產)

【評論主題】6. Good therapeutic relationships were described as having the quality of humility, and remote parti

【評論內容】Good therapeutic relationships were described as having the quality of humility, and remote participants appreciated doctors who were not condescending when patients wished not to be referred to certain specialists perceived to scold them.良好的治療關係被描述為具有謙遜的品質,遠程參與者讚賞醫生在患者不希望被轉介給某些被認為會責罵他們的專家時沒有居高臨下的態度。

【評論主題】4. Rural practice is different from urban practice and different from the practices that most physic


Rural practice is different from urban practice and different from the practices that most physicians might have learned while in residency training.農村實踐不同於城市實踐,也不同於大多數醫生在住院醫師培訓中可能學到的實踐。(A) respected 受人尊敬的(B) recently 最近(C) residency 住處, 住院醫生實習期, 住院醫生的職位(D) recurrent 反復出現的(E) refectory(修道院、學校等的)食堂,餐廳

【評論主題】2. The term "international medical graduates" (IMGs) is generally understood to ___ a phys

【評論內容】The term "international medical graduates" (IMGs) is generally understood to denote a physician who is awarded their medical degree in a country other than the one where they intend to practice medicine.“國際醫學畢業生”(IMG) 一詞通常被理解為是指在他們打算行醫的國家以外的國家/地區獲得醫學學位的醫生。(A) denote 表示(B) detect 檢測(C) delete 刪除(D) detest 厭惡(E) demand 需求

【評論主題】5. Doctors are frequently criticized for their lack of "humanity": interest in the symptom

【評論內容】Doctors are frequently criticized for their lack of "humanity": interest in the symptom rather than the person, a brusque manner and cultivated professional indifference to "difference".醫生經常因缺乏“人性”而受到批評:對症狀而不是對人的興趣、粗暴的態度以及對“差異”培養的職業冷漠。(A) caique 帆船(B) brusque 粗魯His secretary was a little brusque with me.他秘書對我的態度有些粗魯。A brusque refusal 粗暴的拒絕。(C) unique 獨一無二(D) plaque 1.(象牙、陶磁等制的)飾板;匾。2.(表示地位、名譽的)胸章;徽章。3.【醫學】斑;(噬菌體)溶菌斑;血小板。 blue plaque 名人故居標示牌;紀念匾(E) torque 【物理學】扭(力)矩,轉(力)矩。

【評論主題】3. Art as therapy is considered product-oriented because it's satisfying to create a piece of a

【評論內容】Art as therapy is considered product-oriented because it's satisfying to create a piece of art that is aesthetically pleasing.藝術療法被認為是以產品為導向的,因為創造一件美觀的藝術品是令人滿意的。(A) aerobically 有氧地,需氧地aerobic exercise有氧運動(B) atheistically 無神論(C) aseptically 無菌地an aseptic wound/dressing/bandage經過消毒的傷口/無菌敷料/無菌綳帶(D) athletically 競賽地(E) aesthetically 美學上,審美地

【評論主題】10. ________ is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to m

【評論內容】Arthritis is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to move them.關節炎是關節腫脹和疼痛的一種情況,使它們難以移動。(A) Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症(B) Hepatitis 肝炎(C) Bronchitis 支氣管炎(D) Arthritis 關節炎

【評論主題】3. The true global death toll of Covid-19 remains difficult to nail down three years after the first

【評論內容】The true global death toll of Covid-19 remains difficult to nail down three years after the first case was detected. The mortality could be far higher than officially reported. 在發現第一例病例三年後,仍難以確定 Covid-19 的真實全球死亡人數。 死亡率可能遠高於官方報告。 (A) mortality死亡率 (B) morality道德  (C) morbidity發病率 (D) mobility流動性*nail down 達成(協議);最終確定(或決定)nail:它的意思是釘子;nail down:意思是釘下去或者釘牢。

【評論主題】9. This month Taiwanese nationals and eligible foreign residents can receive NT$6,000 tax ________ f


This month Taiwanese nationals and eligible foreign residents can receive NT$6,000 tax rebate from the surplus tax revenue of last year. 本月台胞及符合條件的外籍居民,可從上一年度的盈餘稅款中,獲得新台幣6,000元的退稅。(A) attrition 減員、摩擦(B) attribute 屬性、標志(C) rebate (尤指政府返還的)部分退款(D) evasion 規避、(稅的)偷漏。

【評論主題】4. Over and over again, the civic education teacher has ________ the importance of democracy in his


Over and over again, the civic education teacher has reiterated the importance of democracy in his class. 這位公民教育老師一再在課堂上重申民主的重要性。(A) exonerated 無罪 (B) reiterated 重申 (C) circumvented 規避(D) abolished 廢除*Over and over again    一再; 再三; 反覆不斷地


【評論主題】8. Astragalus (Huang Qi) contains beneficial plant compounds that may ________ your immune system.(A

【評論內容】Astragalus (Huang Qi) ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】7. When your bowel movements become less frequent and stools become difficult to pass, you may have_


 When your bowel movements become less frequent and stools become difficult to pass, you may have constipation. 當您的排便次數減少並且大便變得難以排出時,您可能患有便秘。(A) infarction 梗塞 (B) constipation 便秘 (C) diarrhea 腹瀉(D) paralysis 癱瘓*bowel movement(尤為醫護人員用語)排便

*stools  n.糞便    He told the doctor he had been passing bloody stools.他告訴醫生他便血。❖補充:同義字*faeces  n. 糞;排泄物;渣滓    However after parturition, faeces Ca was increasing and urine Ca was reducing.*ordure   n. 排泄物;淫穢物*dung  n. 動物的糞便    They went about collecting dung.*excrement  n. 排泄物;糞便    My main role was to analyse human excrement.(沒想到便便有這麼多同義字,更詳細區分、用法要請教專業老師了)

【評論主題】6. This region is so damp that moisture seems to ________ everything. Towels wouldn’t dry and window

【評論內容】This region is so damp that moisture seems to permeate everything. Towels wouldn’t dry and windows are always foggy. 這個地區非常潮濕,濕氣似乎滲透了一切。 毛巾不會乾,窗戶總是起霧。(A) perpetrate 犯下 (B) permeate 滲透 (C) proliferate 增殖(D) perspire 出汗

【評論主題】5. Chinese Angelica roots (Dang Gui) have few side effects. However, when used in large doses, they

【評論內容】Chinese Angelica roo☆☆ (☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】2. World leaders meeting at the United Nations in New York ________ Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.(A)

【評論內容】World leaders meetin☆ ☆☆ ☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】47. 宋‧蘇軾詩云:「神藥不自閟,羅生滿山澤。日有牛羊憂,歲有野火厄。越俗不好事,過眼等茨棘。青荑春自長,絳珠爛莫摘。短籬護新植,紫筍生臥節。根莖與花實,收拾無棄物。大將玄吾鬢,小則餉我客。似聞朱明



譯: 好的藥物是不會自己隱藏起來的,星羅棋布的生滿山坡。白日有被牛羊吃掉的煩擾,每年還要遭受野火的焚燒。越地的風俗不重視枸杞,把它當做蒺藜與荊棘一般的雜草看待。 青春的嫩芽在春天裡自由生長,結出爛漫的紅果實也不去採摘。 我把它移植過來護上短籬笆,紫筍似的芽從節中生出。 它的根莖和果實對人都很有用處,沒有可拋棄的地方。 大的功效是可以使我鬢髮炫黑,小的功效則是可以饋贈賓客。聽說羅浮山洞里中,有千年生的枸杞。但守洞的仙狗有時候夜裡會叫,所以無法取得。倘若我長壽,那就借助枸杞之力,來治愈我的衰弱之疾。註釋:閟:掩蔽。 歲:年,一年為一歲。厄:災難。 茨棘:蒺藜與荊棘。泛指雜草。 玄:赤黑色。 餉:贈送。只能從一些關鍵字推得出所歌詠的是枸杞

【評論主題】49. 《莊子‧逍遙游》:「宋人有善為不龜手之藥」,「不龜手藥」的功效是:(A) 使雙手強勁有力 (B) 使雙手不凍裂(C) 使雙手皮膚美白 (D) 使手指不像龜足短小肥大


「不龜手藥」:不使手凍傷的藥。利於漂洗綿絮、水中作戰等。也稱為「不龜藥」、「洴澼藥」。《莊子.逍遙遊》:「宋人有善為不龜手之藥者,世世以洴澼絖為事。」宋.辛棄疾〈醉翁操.長松〉詞:「不龜手藥,或一朝兮取封。」補充《莊子‧逍遙遊》原文:宋人有善為不龜手之藥者,世世以汫澼絖為事。客聞之,請買其方百金。聚族而謀曰:「我世世為汫澼絖,不過數金,今一朝而鬻技百金,請與之。」      客得之,以說吳王。越有難,吳王使之將。冬與越人水戰,大敗越人,裂地而封之。      能不龜手,一也,或以封,或不免於汫澼絖,則所用之異也。譯:宋國有個人善於煉製一種預防皮膚凍裂的藥膏。因為手塗上這種藥膏能防凍裂,所以他家祖祖輩輩就靠在水上幫人漂洗綿絮為生。有個外地人聽說了,便尋上門來,情願出一百大錢買下他的藥方,他召集全家商議說:「我家漂洗了幾輩子綿絮,也掙不到幾個錢;現在只要賣掉藥方,一下子就可以拿到一百大錢,怎麼樣,賣了吧。」       那個外地人弄到了藥方,便去勸說吳王製造這種藥膏。不久,越國大舉侵犯吳國。吳王命令他率軍隊迎戰。當時正值朔冬臘月,兩軍在水上大戰。吳國軍士塗上藥膏,手腳皮膚沒有凍裂,一個個生龍活虎,殺得越國人望風而逃。吳王大喜,畫出一塊土地封賞給他。       同樣是這種預防皮膚凍裂的藥膏,有的以此封地得賞,有的則只能靠漂綿絮為生,這原來是用法不同的結果啊!           

【評論主題】※閱讀下文,回答第 38~40 題: (甲) 《禮記.禮運大同》        大道之行也,與三代之英,丘未之逮也,而有志焉。大道之行也,天下為公,選賢與能,講信修睦。故人不獨親其親,不獨子其子,使老

【評論內容】(A) 「男有分,女有歸」意謂大同世界講求男女各司其職,兩性平權的社會。男女各有職分,皆有依歸。形容每個人均各有其職,各有歸屬。

【評論主題】36. 以下文句為先秦各家有關治國的看法,依內容判斷,出自《孟子》的是:(A) 善人為邦百年,亦可以勝殘去殺矣(B) 王,何必曰利。亦有仁義而矣(C) 治大國,若烹小鮮(D) 人主以一國目視,故視莫明

【評論內容】(A) 出自《論語 子路第十三(十一)》孔子主張“為政以德”,用道德和禮教來治理國家是最高尚的治國之道

【評論主題】37. 下列引文,依文意推敲,□□中依序最適合填入的選項是:「而終於,娘,繞著那一湖無情的寒碧,你來到斷橋,斬斷□□的斷橋。故事從一湖水開始,也向一湖水結束,娘,峨嵋是再也回不去了。在斷橋,一場驚天動


【評論主題】【題組】27. 此文第二段文意主要是說:(A) 人應各盡所能,勞心與勞力各有本事,彼此應相互合作,生活才能相安(B) 勞力之人被人指使,勞心之人指使他人,取決於個人才智,不宜相互怨懟(C) 勞力之人做

【評論內容】原文:        圬之爲技,賤且勞者也。有業之,其色若自得者。聽其言,約而盡。問之,王其姓。承福其名。 世爲京兆長安農夫。天寶之亂,發人爲兵。持弓矢十三年,有官勳,棄之來歸。喪其土田,手鏝衣食,餘三十年。舍於市之主人,而歸其屋食之當焉。視時屋食之貴賤,而上下其圬之傭以償之;有餘,則以與道路之廢疾餓者焉。

【評論主題】34. 下列選項中的成語,何者非出自老子?(A) 天長地久 (B) 大器晚成 (C) 每下愈況 (D) 知白守黑

【評論內容】(A) 天長地久:天地永恆無窮的存在著。★★...

【評論主題】※閱讀下文後回答 32~33 題:         王子猷居山陰,夜大雪,眠覺,開室,命酌酒。四望皎然,因起彷徨,詠左思《招隱》詩。忽憶戴安道,時戴在剡,即便夜乘小船就之。經宿方至,造門不前而返。人問

【評論內容】王子猷居山陰,夜大雪,眠覺,開室,命酌酒。四望皎然,因起彷徨,詠左思《招隱》詩。忽憶戴安道,時戴在剡,即便夜乘小船就之。經宿方至,造門不前而返。人問其故,王曰:「吾本乘興而行,興盡而返,何必見戴?」譯:王子猷住在山的北面。一天夜裡大雪紛飛,他一覺醒來,推開臥室門,命僕人斟上酒。看到四面皎潔的月光,於是他感到神思彷徨,吟詠起左思的《招隱詩》,忽然懷念起戴安道。當時戴逵遠在曹娥江上游的剡縣,即刻連夜乘小船前往。經過一夜才到,到了戴逵家門前卻又轉身返回。有人問他為何這樣,王子猷說:“我本來是乘著興致前往,興致已盡,自然返回,為什麼一定要見戴逵呢?”出自《世說新語·任誕》(D)王子猷悄然的揭示一個道理:不論做什麼事情,保持快樂是前提;而一旦失去快樂,就一定是痛苦了。隨心而為,不拘世俗,人生如此,豈不快哉!其他選項(A) 老殘遊記:是晚清著名的遣責小說之一,對於當時腐敗的政府和貪官汙吏的醜態。

【評論主題】16. 下列名詞中何者與中國傳統醫學無關?(A) 岐黃 (B) 青囊 (C) 杏林 (D) 白衣


【評論主題】23. 閱讀下列文字,推敲其意境,選出適合填入□的選項依序是:揚州人日飲食於瘦馬之身者數十百人。娶妾者切勿露意,稍透□□,牙婆駔儈,咸集其門,如蠅□□,撩撲不去。黎明,即促之出門,媒人先到者先挾之去,

【評論內容】明.張岱《陶庵夢憶.卷五.揚州瘦馬》:「揚州人日飲食於瘦馬之身者數十百人。娶妾者切勿露意,稍透消息,牙婆駔儈,咸集其門,如蠅附羶,撩撲不去。黎明,即促之出門,媒人先到者先挾之去,其餘尾其後,接踵伺之。」譯:揚州人吃喝的與「瘦馬」妾身有關聯的,應該有數十人至百人。想要娶妾的人,記住請勿露出本意來,只要稍微透露出消息,那牙婆、仲介,會都全集中到他家裡,就像蒼蠅沾附在羊膻上,撩理撲打他們也不會離開。一大早,仲介就來催促想客人準備出門,等到媒人一到,那先到的仲介,就先挾制客人離去, 其餘的人只得尾隨著他們的後面,陸續接踵來伺候他。如蠅附羶:像蒼蠅趨附羊肉一樣。比喻追逐私利或趨炎附勢的醜陋行徑。接踵:面的人的腳尖與前面的人的腳後跟相接續。形容相繼不絕。

【評論主題】※閱讀下文後,回答 25~27 題:        圬之爲技,賤且勞者也。有業之,其色若自得者。聽其言,約而盡。問之,王其姓。承福其名。世爲京兆長安農夫。天寶之亂,發人爲兵。持弓矢十三年,有官勳,棄之



【評論主題】24. 下列哪個選項中的成語皆帶有形容人不自量力的成語?(A) 班門弄斧/螳臂擋車/好高騖遠 (B) 扶危持顛/以指撓沸/橫槊賦詩(C) 埳井之蛙/夸父逐日/投卵擊石 (D) 羽化登仙/滄海一粟/蚍蜉

【評論內容】帶有形容人不自量力的成語(A) 班門弄斧:比喻在行家面前賣弄本事,不自量力。貶義。/螳臂擋車:指螳螂立於車道中,舉起雙臂,妄想要阻擋車子前進。比喻不自量力。/好高騖遠:一味地嚮往高遠的目標而不切實際。貶義。

【評論主題】4. 「志合者,不以山海為遠;道乖者,不以咫尺為近。」(《抱朴子‧博喻》)此文義與下列選項何者接近?(A) 山不在高,有仙則名;水不在深,有龍則靈(B) 門鎖簾垂月影斜,翠華咫尺隔天涯(C) 身無彩鳳



(A) 山不在高,有仙則名;水不在深,有龍則靈譯:山不在於高,有了神仙就出名。水不在於深,有了龍就顯得有了靈氣。(說明作者居處雖然簡陋,卻因主人的有“德”而“馨”,也就是說陋室因爲有道德品質高尚的人存在當然也能出名,聲名遠播,刻金石以記之。出自劉禹錫《陋室铭》)

【評論主題】4. 下列何者是導致淋巴液在淋巴管流動的主要因素?(A) 滲透壓 (B) 血壓(C) 擴散 (D) 靠近淋巴管附近的骨骼肌肉收縮


【評論主題】6. 下列哪種結締組織含有膠原蛋白和鈣鹽的基質?(A) 脂肪組織 (B) 疏鬆結締組織 (C) 纖維結締組織 (D) 硬骨


【評論主題】2. 車禍造成枕葉損傷,最有可能導致______。(A) 聽覺障礙 (B) 視力障礙 (C) 言語障礙 (D) 四肢麻木



【評論主題】9.The cell membrane can separate the ________of all cells from the outside environment (the extracel

【評論內容】The cell membrane can separate the interior of all cells from the outside environment (the extracellular space) and protect the cell from its environment.細胞膜可以將所有細胞的內部與外部環境(細胞外空間)隔開,並保護細胞免受其環境的影響。(A) package 包裹(B) waste 廢物(C) tunnel 隧道(D) maximum 最大(E) interior 內部

【評論主題】11. He's a nice man but he's ________ to drink too much at parties.(A) adequate (B) apt (C

【評論內容】He's a nice man but he's apt to drink too much at parties.他是個好人,但他很容易在聚會上喝得太多。(A) adequate 充足(B) apt 容易(C) common 普通(D) probable 可能(E) suitable 合適的

【評論主題】14. Overfishing is drastically reducing the population of fish in our oceans, and it is linked to th


Overfishing is drastically reducing the population of fish in our oceans, and it is linked to the destruction of underwater foliage and coral reefs. Some even conjecture that it could be a major cause of global warming.過度捕撈正在急劇減少我們海洋中魚類的數量,並且與水下植物和珊瑚礁的破壞有關。 有人甚至猜測它可能是全球變暖的主要原因。(A) disparage 貶低(B) conjecture 猜想(C) administer 管理(D) litigate 訴訟(E) patent 專利

【評論主題】8.Chinese has long had ________ dialectal variation; hence prestige dialects have always existed, an

【評論內容】Chinese has long had considerable dialectal variation; hence prestige dialects have always existed, and a lingua franca has always been needed.

【評論主題】17. Digital gaming is one of the most ________markets for entertainment companies in recent years,es

【評論內容】Digital gaming is one of the most lucrative markets for entertainment companies in recent years, especially the fast-expanding mobile gaming market.數字遊戲是近年來娛樂公司最賺錢的市場之一,尤其是快速擴張的移動遊戲市場。

【評論主題】12. No one can ________ a time when the sort of skills we have accumulated will no longer be in dema

【評論內容】No one can foresee a time when the sort of skills we have accumulated will no longer be in demand.沒有人能預見到,有一天我們積累的那種技能將不再需要。(A) invade 入侵(B) interchange (尤指思想或資訊的)交流,交換,互換(C) foresee 預見(D) decay 腐爛、腐蝕(E) prolong 延長

【評論主題】16. Wikipedia is a very popular online source for fact-checks and general knowledge, but its _______

【評論內容】Wikipedia is a very popular online source for fact-checks and general knowledge, but its validity is questionable since anyone can edit the information.維基百科是一個非常受歡迎的事實核查和常識在線資源,但它的有效性值得懷疑,因為任何人都可以編輯信息。

【評論主題】10. Allergic ________usually happen quickly within a few minutes of exposure to an allergen.(A) repr

【評論內容】Allergic reactions usually happen quickly within a few minutes of exposure to an allergen.

【評論主題】15. Bitcoin led the incredible rise of cryptocurrency, but ecologists have heavily criticized the ex


Bitcoin led the incredible rise of cryptocurrency, but ecologists have heavily criticized the extreme energy consumption required to maintain its complex blockchain technology.


【評論主題】13. Which of the following best defines the word ""restrain"?(A) The turning point of

【評論內容】restrain [verb]  阻止,制止;遏制

【評論主題】6.Coma can result from injury to the brain, such as a severe head injury or ________.(A) cough (B) s

【評論內容】Coma can result from injury to the brain, such as a severe head injury or stroke.

【評論主題】7.You'd better take these papers with you ________you need them for your meeting.(A) otherwise

【評論內容】You'd better take these papers with you in case you need them for your meeting.

【評論主題】3.Drinking enough water daily should boost your ________.(A)maturation (B) production (C) circulatio

【評論內容】Drinking enough water daily should boost your circulation.

【評論主題】2.________companies should develop new vaccines to target the new prevalent strain of the pandemicin


Pharmaceutical companies should develop new vaccines to target the new prevalent strain of the pandemic instead of lobbying governments to make people take multiple boosters of the old, inefiective ones.製藥公司應該開發新疫苗來針對流行的新毒株,而不是遊說政府讓人們對無效的舊疫苗進行多次加強。

(A) Retail 零售

【評論主題】1. The Council of Agriculture Minister said that the egg shortage will be ________ by the end of Apr

【評論內容】The Council of Agric☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】1.Non-Fungible Tokens are all the ________in the economy right now, even though very few peopleactua


Non-Fungible Tokens are all the rage in the economy right now, even though very few people actually understand what they are and how they are traded.NFT目前在經濟中風靡一時,儘管很少有人真正了解它們是什麼以及它們是如何交易的。*Non-Fungible Token(簡稱:NFT,非同質化代幣)

*be (all) the rage  風靡一時,非常時興,十分流行

【評論主題】10. In the story Frankenstein, a student creates a hideous monster in a scientific experiment andaba

【評論內容】In the story Frankenstein, a student creates a hideous monster in a scientific experiment and abandons it out of fear. Feeling rejected and mad, the monster_________ by murdering everyone important to its creator.在科學怪人的故事中,一名學生在科學實驗中創造了一個可怕的怪物,並出於恐懼而放棄了它。感到被拒絕和生氣的怪物__________謀殺了對它的創造者來說重要的每個人。

【評論主題】9. As heavy downpours and gusty winds are expected in the region, the public and maritimecommunity,

【評論內容】As heavy downpours and gusty winds are expected in the region, the public and maritime community, especially fishermen, are advised to be_________ or postpone their activities at sea and along the beach.由於該地區預計會出現傾盆大雨和陣風,建議公眾和海事社區,特別是漁民_________或推遲在海上和沿岸的活動。

【評論主題】6. Some countries, such as Australia and Singapore, make voting_________ for their citizens, andpena

【評論內容】Some countries, such as Australia and Singapore, make voting_________ for their citizens, and penalties might be imposed on those who fail to do so without a valid reason.一些國家,如澳大利亞和新加坡,為其公民投票________,如果沒有正當理由不投票,可能會受到處罰。

【評論主題】8. Smartphones have_________ changed the way we consume information. Today we can access anyinformat

【評論內容】Smartphones have_________ changed the way we consume information. Today we can access any information we want anytime and anywhere. There is no turning back to a time when we could only rely on reading the newspaper or watching television to gather information.智慧型手機已經_________ 改變了我們消費信息的方式。今天,我們可以隨時隨地訪問我們想要的任何信息。無法回到只能靠看報或看電視來獲取信息的時代。

【評論主題】7. Because of the_________ of Internet crimes, computer users need to learn to evaluate their search

【評論內容】Because of the_________ of Internet crimes, computer users need to learn to evaluate their search results to ensure that they are connecting to reputable websites.由於網路犯罪的 __________,電腦用戶需要學會評估他們的搜索結果以確保他們連接到信譽良好的網站。

【評論主題】5. Since the Soviet Union dissolved and broke up into 15 separate countries, there has often been___

【評論內容】Since the Soviet Union dissolved and broke up into 15 separate countries, there has often been _________ among the former Soviet republics, including the current confrontation between Russia and Ukraine.自蘇聯解體並分裂為15個獨立的國家以來,前蘇聯加盟共和國之間經常發生________,包括目前俄羅斯和烏克蘭之間的對抗。

【評論主題】4. The passage of the 2019 same-sex marriage bill in Taiwan was a _________ achievement for thecount

【評論內容】The passage of the 2019 same-sex marriage bill in Taiwan was a _________ achievement for the country and its people; it demonstrated the open-mindedness of the Taiwanese people and made Taiwan the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.台灣2019年同性婚姻法案的通過,是國家和人民的________成就;體現了台灣人民的開放心態,使台灣成為亞洲第一個同性婚姻合法化的國家。

【評論主題】3. Some experts have suggested cracking knuckles is harmful and may cause arthritis, but otherexpert

【評論內容】Some experts have suggested cracking knuckles is harmful and may cause arthritis, but other experts_________ the argument, saying that the habit is neither harnful nor beneficial to your health.一些專家認為掰指關節有害並可能導致關節炎,但其他專家________該論點,稱這種習慣既無害也無益於您的健康。

【評論主題】2. On May 24, 2022, an 18-year-old went on a murderous _________ at a Texas elementary school,adding

【評論內容】On May 24, 2022, a☆ 18-☆☆☆☆-...

【評論主題】1. While alcohol may provide health benefits for some people, such as a lower risk of heart diseasea

【評論內容】While alcohol may provide health benefits for some people, such as a lower risk of heart disease and improved mental health, it is important to drink in_________ to avoid its adverse effects.

【評論主題】10. ________ is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to m

【評論內容】Arthritis is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to move them.關節炎是關節腫脹和疼痛的一種情況,使它們難以移動。(A) Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症(B) Hepatitis 肝炎(C) Bronchitis 支氣管炎(D) Arthritis 關節炎

【評論主題】10. ________ is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to m

【評論內容】Arthritis is a condition in which the joints become swollen and painful, making it difficult to move them.關節炎是關節腫脹和疼痛的一種情況,使它們難以移動。(A) Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症(B) Hepatitis 肝炎(C) Bronchitis 支氣管炎(D) Arthritis 關節炎

【評論主題】10. 下列哪個選項不含外來語?(A) 小李在尾牙晚宴表演脫口秀,獲得同事好評。(B) 計程車、巴士是鄉間小鎮常見的大眾交通工具。(C) 蚵仔麵線、甜不辣、雞排是夜市極受歡迎的小吃。(D) 久旱不雨造

【評論內容】(A) 脫口秀:來自英文talk show (B)巴士:來自英文bus(C)甜不辣一詞源自日本料理-天ぷら(てんぷら,Tempura)(D)不含外來語

【評論主題】9. 下列詞語哪個選項不是外來語的音譯?(A) 邏輯 (B) 猶豫 (C) 幽默 (D) 浪漫

【評論內容】(A) 邏輯:是從英文logic 直接音翻

【評論主題】8. 下列與中藥有關的「謎面—謎底」,哪個選項最不適當?(A) 故鄉—熟地 (B) 冰川—寒水石(C) 窈窕淑女—使君子 (D) 枯木逢春—天花粉

【評論內容】(D) 枯木逢春—天花粉 蘇木枯木逢春:比喻雖處於絕境卻重獲生機,或劣境忽然轉好。枯木重生復甦了,所以是甦木,諧音蘇木(我猜的)中藥謎題:https://www.163.com/dy/article/DUVLVIT00514PES2.html

【評論主題】7. 《大醫精誠》:「夫為醫之法,不多語調笑,談謔諠譁,道說是非,議論人物,衒燿聲名,訾毀諸醫,自矜己德;偶然治差一病,則昂頭戴面,而有自許之貌,謂天下無雙。此醫人之膏肓。」下列哪個選項最適當?(A)

【評論內容】「夫為醫之法,不多語調笑,談謔諠譁,道說是非,議論人物,衒燿聲名, 訾毀諸醫,自矜己德;偶然治差一病,則昂頭戴面,而有自許之貌,謂天下無雙。此醫人 之膏肓。」譯文:做醫生的標準,不可多言取樂,高聲談笑,說長道短,非議他人,炫耀聲名,誹謗衆醫自己誇耀自己的德行,偶然治癒一病,就昂頭仰面,流露出自我欣賞的神態,認爲天下無雙,這是醫生的難以去除的惡劣習氣啊。(A) 「調」表示挑逗。  取樂

【評論主題】6. 下列各組成語中,哪個選項前後文意相同?(A) 前倨後恭/玩世不恭 (B) 三人成虎/眾口鑠金(C) 尾生抱柱/信口雌黃 (D) 笑裡藏刀/表裡如一

【評論內容】(A) 前倨後恭:先前傲慢無禮,後又謙卑恭敬。比喻待人勢利,態度轉變迅速。玩世不恭:不莊重、不嚴謹的生活態度。

【評論主題】3. 「彭城夫人夜之廁,蠆螫其手,呻呼無賴。佗令溫湯近熱,漬手其中,卒可得寐,但旁人數為易湯,湯令煖之,其旦即愈。」(《三國志・華佗傳》)下列哪個選項最不適當?(A)「之」廁:去、前往(B)「蠆」:蠍



(A) 「之」廁:去、前往

【評論主題】【題組】29. 根據上文,下列選項敘述正確的是:(A) 班超口才很好,又喜歡鑽研書籍與傳記(B) 班超因家中貧窮,曾賣書給官府以維生(C) 班超嘗拜謁丞相,深受丞相認同與勉勵(D) 算命先生早預知,班



【評論主題】【題組】28. 上文「左右皆笑之」,班超回答:「小子安知壯士志哉!」下列最適合用來形容此情景的是:(A) 燕雀豈知鴻鵠之志 (B) 瞠乎其後難望項背(C) 扶搖直上平步青雲 (D) 見賢思齊力爭上游



(A) 燕雀豈知鴻鵠之志:比喻庸俗者無法理解志向遠大者的抱負。

【評論主題】※閱讀下文後,回答第 27〜29 題          班超(西元 32〜102 年),字仲升,扶風平陵人,徐令班彪之少子也。為人有大志,不修細節。然內孝謹,居家常執勤苦,不恥勞辱。有口辯,而涉獵書傳


(A) 「外子」對應的是「內子」稱呼,是妻子專門用來稱呼自己丈夫的話語。 (正確)(B)舍弟:兄弟姐妹稱 (正確)(C) 班超好友:「班超!聽聞你將遠行是欲前往何方」(對朋友敬稱是“足下” ,朋友之間也可互相稱兄道弟;同學稱:同窗。)(D)家兄:兄弟姐妹稱 (正確)

【評論主題】8. A NSW community-based ___ and hospice care service were comprehensively assessed for sustainabili

【評論內容】A NSW community-based palliative and hospice care service were comprehensively assessed for sustainability, and several challenges were identified, such as the need to examine models of end- of-life care for rural patients.一項基於新南威爾士州社區的姑息治療和臨終關懷服務的可持續性得到了全面評估,並確定了一些挑戰,例如需要檢查農村患者的臨終關懷模式。(A) pantheon (某一領域的)名流,名人,重要人物(B) palliative 保守療法(C) palpitation 顫動,跳動。【醫學】心悸。(D) pestilence 瘟疫(E) peculation 投機,侵吞(公款等)重要單字:hospice(尤指癌症末期患者的)臨終醫院,善終醫院,安養院Hospice & Palliative Care 緩和醫療病房Palliative Care 緩和醫療,安寧療護End-of-life care臨終護理

【評論主題】7. In some countries, routine episiotomies and the use of oxytocin during a normal labor appeared to


In some countries, routine episiotomies and the use of oxytocin during a normal labor appeared to deter women from seeking skilled care during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.在一些國家,常規會陰切開術和在正常分娩期間使用催產素似乎阻止了婦女在懷孕、分娩和產後期間尋求專業護理。(A) deploy 【軍事】散開,部署(B) dilute 稀釋(C) despise 鄙視(D) deter 威懾,防止

paint sth. to deter rust 涂…防銹deter(sb.) from 制止(人)…

(E) devise 設計,【法律】遺讓(財產)

【評論主題】6. Good therapeutic relationships were described as having the quality of humility, and remote parti

【評論內容】Good therapeutic relationships were described as having the quality of humility, and remote participants appreciated doctors who were not condescending when patients wished not to be referred to certain specialists perceived to scold them.良好的治療關係被描述為具有謙遜的品質,遠程參與者讚賞醫生在患者不希望被轉介給某些被認為會責罵他們的專家時沒有居高臨下的態度。

【評論主題】5. Doctors are frequently criticized for their lack of "humanity": interest in the symptom

【評論內容】Doctors are frequently criticized for their lack of "humanity": interest in the symptom rather than the person, a brusque manner and cultivated professional indifference to "difference".醫生經常因缺乏“人性”而受到批評:對症狀而不是對人的興趣、粗暴的態度以及對“差異”培養的職業冷漠。(A) caique 帆船(B) brusque 粗魯His secretary was a little brusque with me.他秘書對我的態度有些粗魯。A brusque refusal 粗暴的拒絕。(C) unique 獨一無二(D) plaque 1.(象牙、陶磁等制的)飾板;匾。2.(表示地位、名譽的)胸章;徽章。3.【醫學】斑;(噬菌體)溶菌斑;血小板。 blue plaque 名人故居標示牌;紀念匾(E) torque 【物理學】扭(力)矩,轉(力)矩。

【評論主題】4. Rural practice is different from urban practice and different from the practices that most physic


Rural practice is different from urban practice and different from the practices that most physicians might have learned while in residency training.農村實踐不同於城市實踐,也不同於大多數醫生在住院醫師培訓中可能學到的實踐。(A) respected 受人尊敬的(B) recently 最近(C) residency 住處, 住院醫生實習期, 住院醫生的職位(D) recurrent 反復出現的(E) refectory(修道院、學校等的)食堂,餐廳