
(A) put
(B) come
(C) team
(D) break




【用戶】NTU TA


【評論內容】A lucid dream occurs when someone is asleep but becomes actively aware that he or she is dreaming. Historically,lucid dreaming has __41__ recorded for centuries. Many people have reported that lucid dreams feel very vivid andreal. __42__ claim that they are able to control the events in a lucid dream as if they are directing a movie in their sleep.Due to its creative nature, a lucid dream can even help people to solve problems and __43__ up with new insights. Oneof the most refreshing and satisfying experiences in lucid dreams is flying. When people dream they are flying, they feellike they are really flying through the clouds. If you are __44__ for a lucid dream but have no experience, there are tipsfor you. Just pay attention to unusual details in your dream to __45__ yourself that they are not real. This way you willincrease your chances of dreaming lucidly.清醒夢是指人在睡眠時意識到自己正在做夢並保持清醒的狀態。從歷史上來看,清醒夢的報告可以追溯到幾個世紀以前。許多人報告說,清醒夢感覺非常生動真實,甚至一些人聲稱他們能夠控制清醒夢中的事件,就像在睡夢中導演一部電影一樣。由於其創造性的本質,清醒夢甚至可以幫助人們解決問題並提出新的見解。清醒夢中最令人耳目一新和滿足的體驗之一就是飛行。當人們夢到自己飛行時,他們會感覺自己真的在穿過雲層。如果你渴望體驗清醒夢但沒有任何經驗,這裡有一些提示。只需注意夢中一些意想不到的細節,提醒自己它們並不是真實的。這樣可以增加你做清醒夢的機會。選項分析41.選項字義音標用法分析(A) be是/biː/系動詞、完成時態助動詞與過去分詞"been"不搭配,不合邏輯。(B) been過去完成時態助動詞/bɪn/與現在完成時態不符,不合邏輯。 (C) being現在進行時態助動詞/ˈbiːɪŋ/與被動語態不符,不合邏輯。 (D) to be被動態助動詞/tə biː/用於被動語態,與主動語態"has been"不符。 drive_spreadsheetExport to Sheets答案: 正確答案是 (B) been。該選項用於現在完成時態,表示清醒夢的記錄從歷史上一直持續到現在。其他選項與語態或時態不符,不合邏輯。42.選項字義用法分析(A) Other另一個用於單數情況下不符合多人情況,不合邏輯。(B) Others其他人正確答案,指代"許多人"。 (C) Another另一個用於單數情況下,不合邏輯。 (D) The other另一個用於單數情況下,不合邏輯。 drive_spreadsheetExport to Sheets答案: 正確答案是 (B) Others。指代前面提到的"許多人"。43.選項字義用法分析(A) put放置與“提出”含義不符,不合邏輯。 (B) come來與“提出”含義不符,不合邏輯。 (C) team團隊與“提出”含義不符,不合邏輯。 (D) break打破與“提出”含義不符,不合邏輯。 drive_spreadsheetExport to Sheets答案: 正確答案是 (A) come up with。意為“想出,提出”。44.選項字義用法分析(A) eager熱切的正確答案,表示對體驗清醒夢的熱切渴望。 (B) humid潮濕的與渴望無關,不合邏輯。 (C) royal皇家的與渴望無關,不合邏輯。 (D) total全面的與渴望無關,不合邏輯。 drive_spreadsheetExport to Sheets答案: 正確答案是 (A) eager。45.選項字義用法分析(A) admire欽佩與提醒無關,不合邏輯。 (B) debate辯論與提醒無關,不合邏輯。 (C) permit允許與提醒無關,不合邏輯。 (D) remind提醒正確答案,提醒自己夢裡的細節不是真實的。 drive_spreadsheetExport to Sheets答案: 正確答案是 (D) remind。