
    I was born in London on April 16, 1889, at eight o’clock at night. __41__ Mother, my world was a happy one. We had moderate means to support ourselves and lived in three rented rooms. One of my early memories was __42__ each night before Mother went to work at the theater, she would lovingly __43__ my brother and me in.    My lovely mother was a singer. Unfortunately, in her late twenties, she suffered from laryngitis, but she had to keep working as we had no other means of financial support. As the condition of her voice gradually __44__, she could no longer rely on it. In the middle of performances, her voice would crack or suddenly fade into a whisper. It was because of her voice __45__ I made my first appearance onstage at the age of five. If it had not been so, I __46__ my performing career at such an early age.
(A) Regardless of
(B) With a view to
(C) According to
(D)As far as

