
VI. Reading Comprehension Passage 1 We all know that smiling is important when meeting new people. However, new research suggests that different types of smiles affect what people think of us. There are a number of sayings about the power of the smile. “Peace begins with a smile.” “A smile is the universal welcome.” “Life is short but a smile only takes a second.” All good advice. But it may not be as simple as that. According to new research, if you want to make a good impression when you meet people, it’s not just that you smile. It’s how you smile. The study was carried out by the Go Group, a business support organization based in Scotland. They looked at people’s reactions to different grins. They found that responses varied considerably. Through this they say they have found three types of smile to avoid: The first is “The Enthusiast,” very wide, all teeth showing, possible evidence that you can have too much of a good thing. Then there is the “Big Freeze”, a fixed grin that looks practiced and fake. Finally comes “The Robot”, a small, thin smile, lacking in warmth. The group also warns about smiling too quickly, saying it can make you look insincere. The best smile, they say, is slower and floods naturally across the whole face.
【題組】41. What is the main topic of this passage?
(A) The Art of Smiling
(B) Three Bad Types of Smile
(C) The Advantages of Smiling
(D) Smile: The Best Way of Communication


統計:A(156),B(24),C(4),D(18),E(0) #
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【用戶】Aita Chung


【評論內容】grins露齒而笑[(+at/with)]floods 充滿,充斥[(+with)]

【用戶】Aita Chung


【評論內容】grins露齒而笑[(+at/with)]floods 充滿,充斥[(+with)]

【用戶】Aita Chung


【評論內容】grins露齒而笑[(+at/with)]floods 充滿,充斥[(+with)]