【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】Man’s desire to fly like the birds had existed for hundreds of years but with the _____ of the inter

【評論內容】(A) advent 出現;到來(B) calamity 災難;大禍;大災害(C) hypocrisy KK [hɪˋpɑkrəsɪ] 偽善;虛偽[U](D) privationKK [praɪˋveʃən] 喪失;缺乏;貧困,困苦[C][U]

【評論主題】When she finally reached the top she agreed with her husband that it was worth it for the view, whic

【評論內容】(A) bombastic KK [bɑmˋbæstɪk]誇張的(C) pathetic K [pəˋθɛtɪk] 引起憐憫的;可憐的;可悲的

【評論主題】The totalitarian future George Orwell imagined in 1984 hasn’t come to pass, but video ___ by corpora


surveillance 看守;監視

【評論主題】 Most of the foreign ambassadors arrived ___ limousines.(A) at (B) on (C) in (D) by


【評論主題】【題組】10.(A)civil (B)financial (C)humanistic (D)moral

【評論內容】The government may not be interested in the --10--. issues, but if gambling is to

【評論主題】【題組】9.(A)confidence (B)economy (C)education (D)violated

【評論內容】how casinos can boost the tourism industry and the --9--. in general.

【評論主題】【題組】8.(A)always (B)casually (C)roughly (D)seldom

【評論內容】But so far, government officials, businesspeople, and casino supporters have --8--.touched on these issues.

【評論主題】Whales hurt none in their peaceful migrations through the earth’s seas, yet are savagely hunted by m


【評論主題】Some knowledge of Latin, if only of the meaning of a few hundred words, is ____if one is to feel at

【評論內容】(A) expendable 可消耗的;消耗性的(B) indisputable 無爭論之餘地的(C) indescribable 難以形容的;不可名狀的

【評論主題】【題組】4.(A)civilians (B)horticulture (C)science (D)veterinarians

【評論內容】(B)horticulture 園藝;園藝術

【評論主題】Jack’s promotion is temporarily ____ until the allegations against him are cleared.(A)bewildered (B)


【評論主題】07. Teenagers are often (________) and tend to resort to force or violence. (A) pugnacious(B) squali

【評論內容】resort 訴諸,憑藉,求助[(+to)]

【評論主題】11. A (________), the neighbor even refused to hand out candy at Halloween. (A) curmudgeon(B) philan


【評論主題】06. Potato Blight in Ireland contributed to the Great (Famine) in 1845. (A) Transplant (B) Import(C)

【評論內容】Famine饑荒[C][U] Plague瘟疫[C]

【評論主題】13. (_______): experience = vagrant: abode (A) neologism(B) nemophila (C) neophyte(D) oenophile

【評論內容】[niˋɑlə͵dʒɪzəm] 新詞;新義

【評論主題】08. The summer in Taiwan is known for its (________ )heat and pouring showers. (A) smuggling(B) slug

【評論內容】sluggish 不大想動的;懶散的;呆滯的;蕭條的

【評論主題】05. The former treasurer denied all the (embezzlement) allegations. (A)misappropriation(B) embellish

【評論內容】embezzlement挪用;侵吞;盜用公款misappropriation 侵吞treasurer會計;司庫;出納員;財務主管[C]

【評論主題】04. He appears to be a cultivated, reliable and (suave) man. (A) ravenous(B) sizzling(C) unpolished(

【評論內容】cultivated耕種的 [swɑv] 和藹的,文雅的;討好的

【評論主題】03. The report singled out eight countries for particularly (egregious) and systemic repression of h

【評論內容】repression 抑制,壓制;鎮壓;制止

【評論主題】15. An overwhelming workload ________ most engineers in Taiwan to work more than 12 hours a day at t

【評論內容】(A) acclaims 向……歡呼;為……喝采;稱讚[O9](D) stoops屈身,彎腰[(+down)]

【評論主題】18. Zuckerberg has built Facebook into an international phenomenon by ________ the lines of social c

【評論內容】permeable有滲透性的;可穿過的 convention 慣例,習俗;常規[C][U]

【評論主題】16. Scientists are now making attempts to ________ the sun as a source of heat and energy. (A) scram

【評論內容】C) allocate 分派;分配

【評論主題】19. After several _________ days of rain, a massive mudslide wiped out a mountain village in norther

【評論內容】consecutive 連續不斷的

【評論主題】06. A recent study shows that the reason why Taiwanese students are ______ in class is because they


【評論主題】11. To prevent traffic accidents caused by driver fatigue, the National Freeway Bureau set up three

【評論內容】fatigue疲勞,勞累[U]acquiescence [͵ækwɪˋɛsəns] 默認;默許;默從[U][(+in/to)]

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】05. To get rid of her weight, the heaviest teenager in England, Malissa Jones, underwent a gastric _

【評論內容】(A) mutation 變化;浮沉盛衰;變質(B) bypass 旁道,旁路(C) temblor 【美】地震(D) charisma非凡的領導力gastric胃的

【評論主題】02. Diplomas were ______ to the graduates who completed all courses of study. (A) confessed (B) conf

【評論內容】Diplomas 畢業文憑,學位證書conferred 授予(學位等)[(+on/upon)]

【評論主題】In even the simplest and most _____ Italian street song, Pavarotti gripped the audience like a benig

【評論內容】benign 仁慈的;親切的

【評論主題】Because of his inherent ____, William steered clear of any job that he suspected could turn out to b

【評論內容】turn out在場; 露面; 集合; 出席

【評論主題】【題組】37.(A) Casual observations (B) Controlled experiments(C) Deliberate attempts (D) Unexpected occu


【評論主題】14. (_______): better = ameliorate: worse (A) exanimate(B) exacerbate (C) exactitude(D) exonerate

【評論內容】[əˋmiljə͵ret] 改善;改良[ɪgˋzɑnə͵ret]

【評論主題】10. That is a (_______) offer for people who are unemployed. (A) subcutaneous (B) tantalizing(C) vit

【評論內容】cutaneous 皮膚的;侵犯皮膚的vitreous玻璃的

【評論主題】08. To honor her son’s “maturity and growth”, Janell gave her 13-year-old son an amazing gift, iPhon

【評論內容】comply with(對要求、命令等)依從,順從,遵從[(+w...

【評論主題】13. My dog is capable of _____ a ball. When I throw a ball, however far it goes, my dog can always f

【評論內容】(A) evacuating 撤空,撤離;從……撤退(B) rioting 暴亂,騷亂(C) retaliating 報復;回敬[(+against/on/up...(D) retrieving重新得到,收回

【評論主題】04. Candidates running for president often ______ the voters with election promises.(A) deplete (B)

【評論內容】(A) deplete 用盡;使減少(B) devour 狼吞虎嚥地吃,吃光(C) delude 欺騙;哄騙;迷惑[(+into)](D) debunk揭穿;拆去……的假面具

【評論主題】4. Out of _____ and consideration, I always write a thank-you note when someone sends me a gift.(A)c


courtesy禮貌; 殷勤, 好意

courtship  求愛; 求婚; 求愛期

【評論主題】17. It is reported that many people in that area have died from drinking _______ water.(A) contamina

【評論內容】contaminated  弄髒的; 受污染的

【評論主題】Passage 2 Is organic food really better for you? The advantages reported for such food over regular

【評論內容】prɛvələns] 流行,盛行;普遍,廣泛

【評論主題】VI. Reading Comprehension Passage 1 We all know that smiling is important when meeting new people. H

【評論內容】grins露齒而笑[(+at/with)]floods 充滿,充斥[(+with)]

【評論主題】All the planets in the solar system have an atmosphere _____36_____ some extent. An atmosphere is a

【評論內容】as opposed to 與...對照, 與...對比

【評論主題】The herb ginger(a)has been used(b)in centuries(c)to relievecold and flu symptoms(d)and other respira


【評論主題】Titanic, the Oscar-winning blockbuster, _____ Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, provides a moving



Yesterday we saw a film starring Charlie Chaplin .   昨天我們看了一部查理•卓別林主演的電影。


She has starred in some thirty films .   她主演過大約三十部影片。

【評論主題】01. I have to say “No” to your invitation since my daughter’s graduation ceremony ______ the banquet

【評論內容】(A) conceives of 想像; 設想(B) contends 爭奪,競爭(C) meddles in 干涉(D) coincides with與...相一致

【評論主題】17. It is reported that many people in that area have died from drinking _______ water.(A) contamina

【評論內容】contaminated  弄髒的; 受污染的

【評論主題】4. Out of _____ and consideration, I always write a thank-you note when someone sends me a gift.(A)c


courtesy禮貌; 殷勤, 好意

courtship  求愛; 求婚; 求愛期

【評論主題】All the planets in the solar system have an atmosphere _____36_____ some extent. An atmosphere is a

【評論內容】as opposed to 與...對照, 與...對比

【評論主題】Passage 2 Is organic food really better for you? The advantages reported for such food over regular

【評論內容】prɛvələns] 流行,盛行;普遍,廣泛