
40.氣相層析的頂空分析(head space analysis)是新的進樣方式,下列敘述何者錯誤?




【用戶】Jason Chen


【評論內容】(A)在溶液中或以不易千擾且相對不揮發的溶劑如水或形成漿狀的檢品,注入裝有橡皮隔膜的密閉小瓶加熱振搖,直至達到均勻之液狀,然後抽出頂部空間的固定容量約0.25 mL,樣品再以一般方式注入氣相層析檥。



【評論內容】39.下列有關氣相層析法檢品導入方式之敘述,何者錯誤? (A)注入口的墊片氣洗(septum purge)是為了清除墊片受高溫釋出的成分,以免影響分析 (B)無分流之注入模式(splitless mode)適合用於大容量或高濃度檢品的分析 (C)可氣化的成分或衍生物不必經過萃取,直接用頂空(head space)裝置,將氣化成分導入 分析 (D)注入口溫度可先設較低溫,檢品注入後再提高溫度,以達到捕捉(trapping)檢品效果, 縮小層析峰寬度專技 - 藥物分析與生藥學(包括中藥學)- 103 年 - 103-2-藥師(一)-藥物分析與生藥學(包括中藥學)#17144



【評論內容】檢品注入密閉vial中,在加熱DEG solution上方 “前端採樣”。分析cephalosporin

【用戶】Kenny Wang


【評論內容】Splitless InjectionYou are here:Splitless InjectionIn splitless mode the split vent is closed during the first part of the injection. This means that the sample can only go down the column. This leads to much higher detection limits because most of the sample will go down the column instead of out the split vent. Splitless is used for low concentration samples. One thing to remember about splitless is that the gas flow through the liner is equal to the column flow. So the flow through the liner could be as low as 0.5ml/ min. This means you have to wait longer to flush the sample into the colum...