
三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】 第一篇:  One of the biggest celebrations of a year in India is Holi, also known as “The Festival of Colors.”   31   annually in lateFebruary or early March, Holi is celebrated by lighting bonfires and throwing colored powder and water on friends and family.   Days before the start of the festival, the markets are filled with   32   colors of all shades, from bright red to mustardyellow to purplish blue. Many families create their own colors at home, often using dyes extracted from flowers. When thespecial day comes, children and adults alike put aside their   33   and enjoy throwing paint at each other like crazy.   Holi is a popular event with both locals and visitors. However, a note of   34   : Don’t wear your best clothes. Even if youplan only to be a   35   , it is likely you will be covered with all kinds of paint all over by the time you return home!
(A) Holding
(B) Held
(C) To hold
(D) Hold

