
Sometimes we pay someone else to clean our clothes. But take care: Just because you’re paying doesn’t mean that it will be done right. Before you head out to the cleaners with that pile of clothes, take these facts into account. First, look at the label. Clothes with labels that say “dry clean only” should go to the dry cleaners. But if the label just says “dry clean,” then test to see if you can hand-wash the item first. Dab a little water on an unseen part of the garment. If you see colors run, then off to the cleaners you go. If not, you can wash it by hand, saving money and the wear and tear on your garment caused by dry-cleaning chemicals. Second, keep sets of clothes together. Dry-clean both parts of a suit or both parts of a dress and matching jacket at the same time. If you don’t, your pieces will end up becoming different colors, as one will fade a bit and the other will stay closer tothe original color. Third, remove clothes from wire hangers. When you get newly dry-cleaned garments home, take them off the wire hangers, which can rust and stain clothing. Replace them with plastic hangers. However, if your cleaner has stuffed thesleeves with paper, leave it there – it will keep the garment in shape until you wear it. Finally, don’t let a stain set! Treat stained clothing quickly, especially items that need to be dry-cleaned. It’s best to take the garment to the cleaners as soon as possible after it’s been stained. Left untreated, it can become permanent. Also, never iron a stained garment; heat will set the stain.
【題組】What is a good way to find out whether your clothes need to be dry-cleaned?
(A)Check the label to see if it says “Do Not Iron.” 
(B)Put some water on the clothes to see if the colors run.
(C)Hand-wash the clothes before you wear it the first time. 
(D)Use the chemicals from dry cleaners to see if stains can be removed.


統計:A(24),B(98),C(27),D(13),E(0) #




【評論內容】If you seecolors run, then off to the cleaners you go. If not, you can wash it by hand, saving money and thewear and tear on your garment caused by dry-cleaning chemicals.



【評論內容】Iron (v) 是熨燙,不是鐵打

【用戶】Go for it!


【評論內容】But if the label just says “dry clean,” then test to see if you can hand-wash the item first. Dab a little water on an unseen part of the garment. If you see colors run, then off to the cleaners you go. If not, you can wash it by hand, saving money and the wear and tear on your garment caused by dry-cleaning chemicals. 因為上文,AD都不對,秒刪B對是因為 Dab a little water on an unseen part of the garment. If you see colors run, then off to the cleaners you go. C不對的原因是,文中確實有提到手洗,但沒有第一次穿衣服前手...