【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】Some people ______ illness in order to obtain insurance compensations.(A) facilitate (B) fabricate (

【評論內容】facilitate (vt) 使...便利felicitate (vt) 為...祝賀

【評論主題】【題組】49. What is the best title for this passage?(A) Magnates and Oligarchs Lie Low in Greek Crisis(B


【評論主題】75.洪老師教學相當用心,其教材都經過精選,並轉譯成學生可以接受的形式,請問洪老師這方面的教學行為最符合皮德斯(R. S. Peters)的哪一項教育規準?(A)合認知性 (B)合價值性 (C)合繼續

【評論內容】我個人的解讀 : 自願性應該是以學生的角度來解釋...洪老師把教材轉為學生可以接受的內容, 激發學生的學習動機--->和自願性...但我覺得題目還是轉太多彎了啦! (我原本選"合認知性")

【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】【題組】49. What is the best title for this passage?(A) Magnates and Oligarchs Lie Low in Greek Crisis(B


【評論主題】75.洪老師教學相當用心,其教材都經過精選,並轉譯成學生可以接受的形式,請問洪老師這方面的教學行為最符合皮德斯(R. S. Peters)的哪一項教育規準?(A)合認知性 (B)合價值性 (C)合繼續

【評論內容】我個人的解讀 : 自願性應該是以學生的角度來解釋...洪老師把教材轉為學生可以接受的內容, 激發學生的學習動機--->和自願性...但我覺得題目還是轉太多彎了啦! (我原本選"合認知性")

【評論主題】25. He was so sad about the tragedy that he wished he_______bom(A) has never been(B)had never been(C


he had never been born吧?  bom不合理阿

【評論主題】28. As _____ by his last album, which was released after his death,Ibrahim Ferrer had one of the mos


demonstrate (V)展示,演示

【評論主題】39. I was drawn to their Heart of France language school by itsuser-friendly website, which opens wi

【評論內容】chronic (adj)慢性的,長期的



道路服務水準,主要是依據道路目前負荷的乘載狀態進行評估. 粗略分為六級,最佳之服務水準為A級,最差為F級. 最常見的方式是將道路上的交通量以轉換成小客車當量數計算,在除以道路現有之容量,以其比值(一般稱為V/C值)作為判別服務水準的依據. 另外也有利用車流行駛速率作為判別服務水準的依據,但須考量道路之等級,不同等級道路有不同的分級標準. 比較少見的則是考量路段上車流的密度作為判別服務水準的依據. 大致而言,就是已不同的方式確認道路所能提供用路人的感受,道路提供的服務是好的還是不好的. 以A級至F級來說,一般而言,A-C級均是十分流暢的車流, D級則是車多但行駛速率尚稱順暢的車流, E級屬於行駛速率緩慢,且易受前方車流影響. F級則為停停走走,甚至是完全動彈不得的塞車. 





【評論主題】【題組】44. (A) beliefs (B) marvels (C) hurdles (D) pensions

【評論內容】hurdle (n) = problem

【評論主題】【題組】42. (A) confused (B) diffused (C) mediated (D) supplied

【評論內容】Gene therapy should not be 42____. with cloning,基因治療法不應該和複製混為一談

【評論主題】【題組】39. (A) combined (B) contrasted (C) exchanged (D) negotiated

【評論內容】This form of gene therapy is 39____. with germline gene therapy, in which a goal is to pass the change on to 40____.

【評論主題】In his presentation at the 1998 Cambridge meeting, James Wilson characterized genetherapy as a novel


【評論主題】6. Praising the students for making sincere effort to try out is a main feature of _______.(A) focus

【評論內容】What is focused object? 焦點目標?

【評論主題】【題組】24. (A) native (B) essential (C) coastal (D) available

【評論內容】Visitors also brought animals that were not native to the islands 旅客也帶來非原生的動物到這個島上

【評論主題】【題組】60. (A) attenuated (B) undermined (C) induced (D) edified

【評論內容】induce sb. to do sth 誘使某人做某事

【評論主題】6. He has been _______ as one of the representatives of the government in negotiatingthe treaty with

【評論內容】nominate (v)提名,任命postulate (v)假定resign      (v)辭職oppose     (v)反對

【評論主題】46. You need to handle the delicate matter in a most ______ manner to keep it from beingdamaged.(A)

【評論內容】felicitous (adj)得體的,適當的這個單字不好記,我的記法是: Feli 是個(ci)得體的人

【評論主題】【題組】70. Which of the following is considered by the author as absurd in the trend of verbing?(A) Ado

【評論內容】absurd (adj) = ridiculous 荒謬, 不合理的

【評論主題】【題組】64. (A) hitherto (B) henceforth (C) otherwise (D) elsewhere

【評論內容】hitherto (adv.) 到目前為止henceforth (adv.) 從此以後

【評論主題】34.There is only a little juice left in the _____ .(A) counter(B) gallon(C) pitcher(D) response


Gallon 加侖

Response 回覆

【評論主題】【題組】11.(A)have(B) are(C) do(D) were


【評論主題】27.(Correct mistakes) It is obviously(A ) urgent that we are aware of(B ) the impact of the construc


【評論主題】4. A lot of people don’t think their computers will _____ crash or become infected by a virus, yet t

【評論內容】periodically           (adv) 定時地moderately            (adv) 適中地simultaneously      (adv) 同時地

【評論主題】12.下列文句,何者比喻事先採取措施,防患未然?(A)死灰復燃(B)杯弓蛇影(C) 曲突徙薪(D)牛衣對泣


牛衣對泣: 貧賤夫妻百事哀


【評論主題】What difficulty will learners of tonal language have when learning a non-tonal language?(A) rhythm,

【評論內容】tonal language 聲調語言

【評論主題】Some people ______ illness in order to obtain insurance compensations.(A) facilitate (B) fabricate (

【評論內容】facilitate (vt) 使...便利felicitate (vt) 為...祝賀

【評論主題】【題組】49. What is the best title for this passage?(A) Magnates and Oligarchs Lie Low in Greek Crisis(B


【評論主題】75.洪老師教學相當用心,其教材都經過精選,並轉譯成學生可以接受的形式,請問洪老師這方面的教學行為最符合皮德斯(R. S. Peters)的哪一項教育規準?(A)合認知性 (B)合價值性 (C)合繼續

【評論內容】我個人的解讀 : 自願性應該是以學生的角度來解釋...洪老師把教材轉為學生可以接受的內容, 激發學生的學習動機---和自願性...但我覺得題目還是轉太多彎了啦! (我原本選"合認知性")

【評論主題】Sometimes we pay someone else to clean our clothes. But take care: Just because you’re paying doesn’


Iron (v) 是熨燙,不是鐵打

【評論主題】【題組】8. 溫柔「ㄉㄨㄣ」厚:

【評論內容】remuneration (n) payment, compensation or reward 報酬= reimbursement

【評論主題】8. Sam has two dogs. One is an old dog and the other(另外的)is a p              y.

【評論內容】有獨立董事,不是股東身分, 可能是德高望重的學者,為公司的經營把關



【評論主題】【題組】64. The government’s decision to ban smoking completely has drawn not praise but c_____m,especia

【評論內容】fidelity (n) 忠誠 (尤指對伴侶) How important do you think sexual fidelity is in a marriage?你認為婚姻中性關係的忠誠有多重要?




【評論主題】People should not be praised for their virtue if they lack the energy to be _____; in such cases, go


【評論主題】Early critics of Emily Dickinson's poetry mistook for simplemindedness the surface of artlessne

【評論內容】早期對於Emily Dickinson詩作的評論多為缺乏文藝,而事實上Emily的詩作隱含極為高超的技巧

【評論主題】Women's magazines, which mainly introduce personal care products, clothing and jewelry, are oft

【評論內容】perceive (v) 視為conceive (v) 相信、認為

【評論主題】Information listed in this time table is subject to change without ____________.(A)observation(B)str

【評論內容】without notice 未事先通知

【評論主題】61.An __________ and his team reported to find the first skull of the earliest known ancestor of the

【評論內容】字源 anthropos (人) anthropology (n)人類學