
Leofoo Village Theme Park
        The First Fantasy World in Asia that Combines both Amusement Park and Safari.
        Located in Hsinchu County, Taiwan, Leofoo Village Theme Park has four theme areas, “Wild West”, “South Pacific”, “Arabian Kingdom” and “African Safari”.
       Teenagers love to challenge themselves on the more  than 30 thrilling roller coasters. There is also the wild animal zoo that is suitable for the whole family.
       Leofoo Village also have musical water shows, large parades and other magnificent dancing shows which enables Leofoo Village to become the best location for traveling and a good shooting place for Taiwan movies and TV shows.

Combine 結合 Amusement Park 遊樂園 Safari 遊獵 roller coaster 雲霄飛車 challenge 挑戰 suitable 適合
whole 全 musical 音樂的 parades 遊行 magnificent 華麗的 enables 使 adults 成人

【題組】48. Which part of Taiwan is the Leofoo Village Theme Park located?
(A) The northern part of Taiwan.
(B) The eastern part of Taiwan.
(C) The western part of Taiwan.
(D) The southern part of Taiwan.





【評論內容】Which part of Taiwan is the Leofoo Village Theme Park located?be located...位於...文章中提到 Located in Hsinchu(新竹) County(縣), Taiwan, Leofoo Village Theme Park has four theme areas......(A) The northern part of Taiwan.台灣北部(B) The eastern part of Taiwan.台灣東部(C) The western part of Taiwan.台灣西部(D) The southern part of Taiwan.台灣南部