
五、閱讀理解 (Ⅰ)       If you say that you never lie, you are probably lying. The truth is that most people lie at least onceduring a 10-minute conversation. Maybe you have lied to protect someone, or to save someone fromembarrassment. Maybe you have lied for selfish reasons – to make yourself appear in a better light, forexample. Whether you have lied for good or for bad, we all lie.        So how can we know if someone is telling a lie? Researchers have come up with some body signs thatmay help you take the lid off liars.  ◆ Eye Contact – making too little or too much eye contact while speaking  ◆ Too much information – providing too many details when no one asked for  ◆ Repetition – saying the same words or phrases over and over (e.g., “It wasn’t me, it wasn’t me.”)  ◆ Body Movement – moving too much while standing or sitting, or not moving at all  ◆ Touching the Mouth – touching or covering the mouth when asked a question

【題組】34. After reading the passage, please check out who DIDN’T tell a lie?
(A) With her body moving, Kristine said, “I am the prettiest of all.”
(B) With her eyes looking somewhere else, Winnie said, “I like Kristine because she is confident.”
(C) Alice said, “I agree, I agree, I really agree with you. You are the prettiest.”
(D) Without touching her mouth, Amber said, “I know three of you are lying.”






【評論內容】說謊者的特徵1.眼神接觸-說話時過多或過少的眼神接觸2.過多資訊-主動提供過多細節3.重複-重複相同字句4.身體移動-站立或坐下時移動頻繁或絲毫不動(A) Kristine的Body moving符合文章所述第四點Body movement(B)Winnie說話時眼睛看向別處,符合文章所述第一點making too little eye contact(過少眼神接觸)(C)Alice重複說I agree符合文章所述第三點(D)Amber說話時沒有摸嘴巴,不符合文內所述