
【題組】26. What does    “artisanal”    cobalt most likely refer to?
(A) Cobalt mined with craftsmanship.
(B) Cobalt mined with hand tools.
(C) Cobalt causing radioactive pollution.
(D) Cobalt causing water pollution.






【評論內容】At present, as much as 70 percent of the world’s cobalt supply is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a substantial proportion in unregulated mines where workers — including many children — dig the metal from the earth using only hand tools at great risk to their health and safety.To deal with the problem, automakers have committed to eliminating “artisanal” cobalt from their supply chains, and have also said they will develop batteries that decrease, or do away with, cobalt altogether.artisanal --> 手工的(A) Cobalt mined with craftsmanship. --> 手工開採的鈷(B) Cobalt mined with hand tools. --> 用手動工具開採的鈷(C) Cobalt causing radioactive pollution. --> 造成放射性污染的鈷(D) Cobalt causing water pollution. --> 鈷造成水污染