
6 If students only have a(n) _________ grasp of this complicated mathematical concept, it is difficult for them tolearn another one.
(B) gratuitous
(C) suspicious
(D) envious






【評論內容】(B) (C) (D) 選項錯誤應為(B) gratuitous(C) suspicious(D) envious



【評論內容】原本題目:6 If students only have a(n) _________ grasp of this complicated mathematical concept, it is difficult for them tolearn another one.(A)tenuous (B)gratuitous suspicious (C) envious (D)修改成為6 If students only have a(n) _________ grasp of this complicated mathematical concept, it is difficult for them tolearn another one.(A)tenuous (B) gratuitous(C) suspicious(D) envious



【評論內容】(B) (C) (D) 選項錯誤應為(B) gratuitous(C) suspicious(D) envious



【評論內容】原本題目:6 If students only have a(n) _________ grasp of this complicated mathematical concept, it is difficult for them tolearn another one.(A)tenuous (B)gratuitous suspicious (C) envious (D)修改成為6 If students only have a(n) _________ grasp of this complicated mathematical concept, it is difficult for them tolearn another one.(A)tenuous (B) gratuitous(C) suspicious(D) envious