
14. Dell was struggling ______ the demands of his boss.
(A) to keep up
(B) to keep down
(C) to keep in
(D) to keep up with




【用戶】shian Yang


【評論內容】Dell努力___老闆的要求。(A) to keep up 跟上(B) to keep down 控制成本(壓縮、控制)(C) to keep in 抑制感情、看住某事物(D) to keep up with 跟上A、D選項的意思相同,但在用法上keep up偏向維持一定標準或繼續努力(追趕的目標是固定的);keep up with 則是追上一個不斷前進的事物。



【評論內容】(A) To keep up 保持、維持。通常表示繼續維持或保持某種狀態、活動、或水平。這可以涵蓋各種不同的情境,包括保持關係、健康、外表等。She works hard to keep up her fitness level. 她努力保持她的健身水平。I need to keep up my exercise routine to stay healthy. 為了保持健康,我需要繼續保持我的運動習慣。(B) To keep down 意思為限制、降低或控制某事物,使其不升高。The government is trying to keep down inflation by implementing strict monetary policies. 政府正試圖通過實施嚴格的貨幣政策來抑制通膨。Please try to keep down the noise in the library; people are trying to study. 請儘量保持圖書館的寧靜,人們正在學習。(C) To keep in 意思為將某事物保持在特定位置或狀態,不讓其外出或外露。Due to the bad weather, they decided to keep the children in and have a cozy movie night at home. 由於天氣不好,他們決定讓孩子們呆在家裡,舉辦一個溫馨的家庭電影之夜。Don't forget to keep the pets in during the fireworks display; they might get scared and run away. 不要忘記在煙火表演期間把寵物關在家裡,他們可能會感到害怕並逃跑。(D) To keep up with表示跟隨、不落後,通常指的是跟隨某人或某事物的步伐,以保持同步。這通常與追趕變化或進展有關。Jane finds it challenging to keep up with the fast pace of her new job. 珍妮發現跟上她新工作的快節奏很具挑戰性。Technology is evolving rapidly, and it's important to keep up with the latest trends in the industry. 技術正在迅速演變,跟上行業的最新趨勢是很重要的。

【用戶】shian Yang


【評論內容】Dell努力___老闆的要求。(A) t☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...



【評論內容】(A) To keep up 保持、★★。...



【評論內容】Dell was struggling ☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆ ...