
15. Which of the following about Notional-Functional Syllabus (NFS) is NOT correct?
(A) NFS emphasizes forms over functions.
(B) Such functions as “Introduction self” and “Giving commands” can be covered.
(C) NFS was not a method at all.
(D) Notions are general concepts expressed through language.


統計:A(92),B(23),C(67),D(24),E(3) #
個人:尚未作答書單: 有關C的字根、字首、字尾




【評論內容】Brown 紫本第五版 p.225, 中文版p265

【用戶】Dex Shih


【評論內容】「Notional-Functional Syllabus」意念功能性課程,強調語言教學的實用性,以語言學習的角度出發,不只重視孩子對語言的認知,更重視孩子從中所能學到的人際互動及語言功能性。以教育部所公布的1200個基本字彙為基礎,再根據語言學習的順序,及單字的實用性、句型的難易度等,規劃出英語學習的核心內容。



【評論內容】Notional / functional dimension of languageApplied linguists  and philosophers addressed another fundamental dimension of language: the functional and communicative potential of language.  The speech act theory showed that we do something when we speak a language. We use language ( cf Halliday 1975)to get things,to control behavior,to create interaction with others,to express personal feelings,to learn,to create a world of imagination,to communicate information.Besides applied linguists emphasized  a teaching of language based on communicative proficiency rather than mastery of structures. ...