【評論主題】6. Peter did not have anywhere to stay so David ______ for a few days.(A) put him on (B) put him ove

【評論內容】put sb on: try to deceive someone into believing sth which is not true.


【評論內容】好難懂哦~ 真的是c哦?

【評論主題】6. Peter did not have anywhere to stay so David ______ for a few days.(A) put him on (B) put him ove

【評論內容】put sb on: try to deceive someone into believing sth which is not true.


【評論內容】好難懂哦~ 真的是c哦?

【評論主題】The _____ agreement had never been written down but was understood and upheld by the governments of

【評論內容】tacit agreement 秘密協定雖沒有白紙黑字寫下來,但為雙方國家政府共同理解並擁護(uphold).

【評論主題】What is not the view of the bottom-up approach to writing?(A) It favors activities in which students

【評論內容】Bottom-up approach to writing favors activities in which students engage in imitating and transforming models of correct language. The advocates believe Ss should have mastered the language at the level of the sentence before they can be expected to write coherent paragraphs. This approach also focuses on the end result of the writing process.

【評論主題】【題組】34.Where can we find their eggs?(A)Under rocks. (B)On leaves of plants. (C)Inpools. (D)In holes


【評論主題】14. 有關五專之入學方式,何者為是(A)五專免試入學採全國一區(B)五專得同時報名北、中、南各一所五專學校,惟僅得擇其中一所五專學校參加現場登記分發報到。(C)五專特色招生比率以五專招生學校當學年度


【評論主題】The sports meet ______.(A) is to put off(B) is put off(C) is to be put off(D) puts off

【評論內容】sports meet 運動會

【評論主題】Biotechnologist John Tanaka is among the _____ at the international laboratory.(A) authority(B) elit


【評論主題】The sports meet ______.(A) is to put off(B) is put off(C) is to be put off(D) puts off

【評論內容】sports meet 運動會

【評論主題】Biotechnologist John Tanaka is among the _____ at the international laboratory.(A) authority(B) elit


【評論主題】2. The job of decomposers is to break down dead plants and animals into useful substances. This job



【評論主題】20. The couple decided to buy the house because of its _____  to a prestigious school inthe area.(A)

【評論內容】The couple decided to buy the house because of its _____________ to a prestigious school in the area. 

【評論主題】31. 下列何者屬於國民中小學九年一貫課程之「重大議題」:(A)美學教育 (B)語文教育 (C)家政教育 (D)海洋教育。

【評論內容】還人家兩隻海參 環境、人權、家政、性別、資訊、海洋、生涯發展

【評論主題】65.Which methodology does the statement “teachers should focus on teaching phrases which show words


Wikipedia: The lexical approach is a method of teaching foreign languages described by M. Lewis in the 1990s. The basic concept on which this approach rests is the idea that an important part of learning a language consists of being able to understand and produce lexical phrases as chunks. Students are thought to be able to perceive patterns of language (grammar) as well as have meaningful set uses of words at their disposal when they are taught in this way.

In the lexical approach, instruction focuses on fixed expressions that occur frequently in dialogues, which Lewis claims make up a l...

【評論主題】63.What does “corpora” refer to?(A)A database that contains a list of words in alphabetical order wi

【評論內容】Copora: Huge collections of language from a variety of source stored on computers. 

【評論主題】2. The daily opening and nightly closing of the leaves of a tamarind tree was observed, but they als

【評論內容】A) heliotrope plant 纈草B) malapropism 文字誤用(尤指誤用發音相似而意義不同的詞語)

【評論主題】5. The last scene of the play was completely ______, without any preparation or rehearsal in advance

【評論內容】(A) improvised 即興的 (B) indicted 指射的(C) incurred 招致的 (D) illuminated 發光的這劇本的最後一幕完全是即興演出,沒有任何先前的準備或彩排。

【評論主題】This prize-winning novel exemplifies the strength of first-person narratives; the protagonist tells

【評論內容】這本得獎小說為第一人稱敘事的典範;主角有力地訴說自己的故事,讓其他評論都顯得多餘。(A) eloquent 雄辯的(B) superfluous 多餘的(C) incontrovertible 無疑的 (D) idiosyncratic 有氣質的

【評論主題】3. The mountain resort industry advertises its sites as relaxing, picturesque, and _____.(A) seclude

【評論內容】(A) secluded 與世隔絕; 僻靜的 (B) confined 受限的; 幽禁的 (C) embellished 裝飾的(D) formulated 公式化的這個渡假山莊宣傳了他們輕鬆愉悅、風景如畫與靜僻的優點。

【評論主題】Because of the _____ effects of the hot springs, tourists suffering from various ailments flocked to

【評論內容】(A) cerebral 大腦的;用腦力的(B) mandatory 強制的;義務的 (C) therapeutic 治療的;有益健康的(D) ambivalent 矛盾的因為溫泉的療癒效果,深受病痛纏身的旅客們蜂擁治這個村莊的溫泉。

【評論主題】Computer hardware and software have been _____ beneficial in the editing of newspapers,magazines, an

【評論內容】(A) pedantically 學究式地(B) fundamentally 根本地 (C) enormously 極大地 (D) quintessentially 典型地電腦軟硬體已在編輯報紙、雜誌和期刊上有了極大的幫助。

【評論主題】The sports meet ______.(A) is to put off(B) is put off(C) is to be put off(D) puts off

【評論內容】sports meet 運動會

【評論主題】Biotechnologist John Tanaka is among the _____ at the international laboratory.(A) authority(B) elit


【評論主題】6. Peter did not have anywhere to stay so David ______ for a few days.(A) put him on (B) put him ove

【評論內容】put sb on: try to deceive someone into believing sth which is not true. 


【評論內容】好難懂哦~ 真的是c哦?

【評論主題】What is not the view of the bottom-up approach to writing?(A) It favors activities in which students

【評論內容】Bottom-up approach to writing favors activities in which students engage in imitating and transforming models of correct language. The advocates believe Ss should have mastered the language at the level of the sentence before they can be expected to write coherent paragraphs. This approach also focuses on the end result of the writing process. 

【評論主題】【題組】34.Where can we find their eggs?(A)Under rocks. (B)On leaves of plants. (C)Inpools. (D)In holes


【評論主題】14. 有關五專之入學方式,何者為是(A)五專免試入學採全國一區(B)五專得同時報名北、中、南各一所五專學校,惟僅得擇其中一所五專學校參加現場登記分發報到。(C)五專特色招生比率以五專招生學校當學年度




【評論主題】12. A lone robber brandished a pistol and rushed into the bank, taking over$515,000NT from the count

【評論內容】inflict 加以(處罰或判刑) on sb.

【評論主題】The sports meet ______.(A) is to put off(B) is put off(C) is to be put off(D) puts off

【評論內容】sports meet 運動會

【評論主題】Younger workers are often full of _____though they obviously lack the experience of older workers.(A


【評論主題】Biotechnologist John Tanaka is among the _____ at the international laboratory.(A) authority(B) elit


【評論主題】The CEO announced that he would name Mr. Akimoto _____ of the new construction project.(A) a chief(B

【評論內容】name somebody/something (as) something

【評論主題】Dominated by research on English language, “reading researchers have paid more attention to other wr


【評論主題】【題組】The author of the passage implies that regular sound change is caused by(A) knowledge of linguis

【評論內容】Sound law‖ is a term devised by linguist August Leskien to describe the supposed absolute regularity of this kind of "structural change" in language.

【評論主題】【題組】9. I have to (take) care of my baby because he is sick.

【評論內容】(A)選項應為 issues


【評論內容】Scholastic Aptitude English Test (SAET) 學測Department Required English Test (DRET) 指考


【評論內容】reliability  信度validity  效度practicability  可行性

【評論主題】An application of a computer TTS system is BEST for facilitating EFL ______.(A) listening instructio


【評論主題】1.過兩點A (-1 , 2 ),B ( 3 , 4 ),且圓心在y軸上的圓方程式為 ___________   。

【評論內容】When we go to a conference, we usually can learn state of "the" art knowledge or skills on a certain topic.


【評論內容】scapego 替人頂罪者; 代罪羔羊

【評論主題】The _____ agreement had never been written down but was understood and upheld by the governments of

【評論內容】tacit agreement 秘密協定雖沒有白紙黑字寫下來,但為雙方國家政府共同理解並擁護(uphold).

【評論主題】7. The health program outlined in the article seems very sound to me, but it has ____________ consid

【評論內容】meet with: to get a particular result or reaction

【評論主題】15. Which of the following about Notional-Functional Syllabus (NFS) is NOT correct?(A) NFS emphasize

【評論內容】Notional / functional dimension of language

Applied linguists  and philosophers addressed another fundamental dimension of language: the functional and communicative potential of language.  The speech act theory showed that we do something when we speak a language. We use language ( cf Halliday 1975)

to get things,to control behavior,to create interaction with others,to express personal feelings,to learn,to create a world of imagination,to communicate information.

Besides applied linguists emphasized  a teaching of language based on communicative proficiency rather than mastery of structures. ...