
The Su-Hua Highway is crippled due to a serious landslide. _____, we have no choice but to cancel our trip to eastern Taiwan.
(A)For starters
(B)As a result
(C)In addition
(D)To sum up


統計:A(6),B(139),C(13),D(16),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:Cloze test


【用戶】Evan Lin


【評論內容】cripple  損壞landslide  山崩; 滑坡In addition  另外in addition to  除...之外sum up  計算



【評論內容】<補充have no choice (but to V):(除了做...之外)別無選擇EX : You have no choice but to listen to Linda because she is always right!你除了聽琳達的話之外別無選擇,因為她總是對的! 

【用戶】Evan Lin


【評論內容】cripple  損壞landslide  山崩; 滑坡In addition  另外in addition to  除...之外sum up  計算



【評論內容】<補充>have no choice (but to V):(除了做...之外)別無選擇EX : You have no choice but to listen to Linda because she is always right!你除了聽琳達的話之外別無選擇,因為她總是對的! 



【評論內容】To sum up 總之

【用戶】Evan Lin


【評論內容】cripple  損壞landslide  山崩; 滑坡In addition  另外in addition to  除...之外sum up  計算



【評論內容】<補充>have no choice (but to V):(除了做...之外)別無選擇EX : You have no choice but to listen to Linda because she is always right!你除了聽琳達的話之外別無選擇,因為她總是對的! 



【評論內容】To sum up 總之