【評論主題】15.A: ____________ ?B: I am a coast guard.(A) How have you been(B) What are you up to(C) How are you

【評論內容】coast guard  海上防衛隊

【評論主題】Mr. Johnson, _______ to retire in two months, was told that he could not get a penny because the com


pension  退休金; 養老金

declare  宣布

bankruptcy  破產

【評論主題】The Su-Hua Highway is crippled due to a serious landslide. _____, we have no choice but to cancel ou


cripple  損壞

landslide  山崩; 滑坡

In addition  另外

in addition to  除...之外

sum up  計算

【評論主題】The massive shooting in the elementary school claimed 28 lives, _____ 20 children aged 5 to 7.(A)in


massive  大規模的

shooting  發射

claim  (疾病, 意外)奪去(生命)

【評論主題】Obesity is _____ linked to a poor diet. If you are overweight, you’d better watch what you eat.(A)f


Obesity  肥胖; 過胖

(A)formally  正式地; 正規地

(B)carefully  小心謹慎地

(C)barely  僅僅, 勉強

(D)closely  接近地

【評論主題】10.If you are so easily discouraged by any ( ), how can you ever achieve anything? Hardships are the


encourage  鼓勵

Hardship  艱難, 困苦

brave  勇敢的

wise   有智慧的

【評論主題】4.When a complete stranger came over and intended to give me the ticket to the concert, my ______ re

【評論內容】intend  想要; 打算  +to-v reaction  反應 decline   婉拒; 謝絕 friendliness  友情; 親切 weird   鬼怪似的; 怪誕的; .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】Local police departments report using computers for a variety of  ______ functions, including recor


report  報導; 記述, 描述

function  功能, 作用

management  管理; 經營

 investigation  研究; 調查

dispatch  派遣; 發送; 快遞

【評論主題】It is our dream that one day we can live in _________, rather than conflicts and violence, with peop

【評論內容】conflict  衝突 violence 暴力 (A)harmony 和睦; 融洽 (B)benefi.....看完整詳解



鞭辟入裡   指研究學問要自我鞭策,深入精微之處。


吳下阿蒙   譏諷一個人沒有才學

養"癰"遺患   留著毒瘡不去醫治,就會成為後患。比喻縱容包庇壞人壞事,結果會遭受禍害。




【評論內容】含英咀華   咀:細嚼,引伸為體味;英、華:.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】_______ the fact that the company has been losing several major contracts in the pastfew years, it i


contract   契約; 合同

influential  有影響的; 有權勢的

manufacturer   製造業者, 廠商, 廠主; 製造公司

Owing to  由於

As a matter of fact  事實上, 實際上

Despite  不管, 儘管, 任憑

【評論主題】The closest English word to The Chinese expression guanxi would be “relationship.” However, guanxi h

【評論內容】expression    表達; 表示,措辭; 詞句

【評論主題】22.Unfortunately, the oil spill from the oil tanker has posed a _____ to marine life. A large quanti

【評論內容】spill  溢出; 濺出 tanker   油輪 pose   n,姿勢     v,造成, 引起 marin.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】15.A: ____________ ?B: I am a coast guard.(A) How have you been(B) What are you up to(C) How are you

【評論內容】coast guard  海上防衛隊

【評論主題】Mr. Johnson, _______ to retire in two months, was told that he could not get a penny because the com


pension  退休金; 養老金

declare  宣布

bankruptcy  破產

【評論主題】Obesity is _____ linked to a poor diet. If you are overweight, you’d better watch what you eat.(A)f


Obesity  肥胖; 過胖

(A)formally  正式地; 正規地

(B)carefully  小心謹慎地

(C)barely  僅僅, 勉強

(D)closely  接近地

【評論主題】The Su-Hua Highway is crippled due to a serious landslide. _____, we have no choice but to cancel ou


cripple  損壞

landslide  山崩; 滑坡

In addition  另外

in addition to  除...之外

sum up  計算

【評論主題】The massive shooting in the elementary school claimed 28 lives, _____ 20 children aged 5 to 7.(A)in


massive  大規模的

shooting  發射

claim  (疾病, 意外)奪去(生命)

【評論主題】The government is going to raise tax in order to cut the _____ deficit.(A)stock (B)budget (C)money (

【評論內容】deficit  不足額; 赤字 (A)stock  庫存, 貯存 (B)budge.....

【評論主題】10.If you are so easily discouraged by any ( ), how can you ever achieve anything? Hardships are the


encourage  鼓勵

Hardship  艱難, 困苦

brave  勇敢的

wise   有智慧的

【評論主題】4.When a complete stranger came over and intended to give me the ticket to the concert, my ______ re

【評論內容】intend  想要; 打算  +to-v reaction  反應 decline   婉拒; 謝絕 friendliness  友情; 親切 weird   鬼怪似的; 怪誕的; .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】The local farmers are looking to advanced agriculture as better protection from foreign ________ aft

【評論內容】advanced  先進的 agriculture  農業 protection   保護 (A)invasion  入侵, 侵略 (.....

【評論主題】Be___ , please. We are totally broke now and cannot afford a two-million-dollar sports car!(A)genero

【評論內容】(A)generous   慷慨的, 大方的 (B)practical    實踐的, 實際.....

【評論主題】It is our dream that one day we can live in _________, rather than conflicts and violence, with peop

【評論內容】conflict  衝突 violence 暴力 (A)harmony 和睦; 融洽 (B)benefi.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】Local police departments report using computers for a variety of  ______ functions, including recor


report  報導; 記述, 描述

function  功能, 作用

management  管理; 經營

 investigation  研究; 調查

dispatch  派遣; 發送; 快遞

【評論主題】下列「 」內成語的使用,何者正確?(A)公園裡只有幾株「枝葉扶疏」的禿樹,景象十分冷清(B)他們兩人「沆瀣一氣」,同心協力,為學校爭到好成績(C)他今年爭取到的業績「罄竹難書」,榮登最佳銷售員的榮

【評論內容】枝葉扶疏:①形容枝葉繁茂四布,高下疏密有致。②比喻分析事理詳明縝密。③比喻興旺發展。宵衣旰食  .....看完整詳解



鞭辟入裡   指研究學問要自我鞭策,深入精微之處。


吳下阿蒙   譏諷一個人沒有才學

養"癰"遺患   留著毒瘡不去醫治,就會成為後患。比喻縱容包庇壞人壞事,結果會遭受禍害。




【評論內容】首鼠兩端   形容猶豫不決的樣子。和光同塵   和、同:混合。和光:混合各種.....


【評論內容】含英咀華   咀:細嚼,引伸為體味;英、華:.....

【評論主題】You should have finished this work a week ago, but you didn’t. I think you should give me an _____.(


 (B)expression     表達; 表示

 (C)experiment   實驗; 試驗

【評論主題】This machine is_____.All you have to do is turn it on and it will operate by itself.(A)complicated(B

【評論內容】(A)complicated  複雜的; 難懂的 (B)familiar           熟悉的; 常見的 .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】_______ the fact that the company has been losing several major contracts in the pastfew years, it i


contract   契約; 合同

influential  有影響的; 有權勢的

manufacturer   製造業者, 廠商, 廠主; 製造公司

Owing to  由於

As a matter of fact  事實上, 實際上

Despite  不管, 儘管, 任憑

【評論主題】The closest English word to The Chinese expression guanxi would be “relationship.” However, guanxi h

【評論內容】expression    表達; 表示,措辭; 詞句

【評論主題】37 The chemical factory is _____ the river and doing great damage to the natural environment.(A)pois

【評論內容】(A)poisoning     毒害; 敗壞; 玷污; 破壞 (B)increasing  增加.....

【評論主題】22.Unfortunately, the oil spill from the oil tanker has posed a _____ to marine life. A large quanti


spill  溢出; 濺出

tanker   油輪

pose   n,姿勢     v,造成, 引起

marine   海的; 海生的

quantity   量A)threat   威脅, 恐嚇 (B)sweat  汗, 汗水

【評論主題】23.At a formal dinner, you should watch your table _____.(A)manners(B)partners(C)amounts(D)coaches

【評論內容】formal  正式的 (A)manners 禮貌; 規矩   (B)partner.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】The 1991 Nobel Peace Prize ________ to Aung San Suu Kyi, Burmese opposition leader, for her non-viol


violent   暴力的

struggle  奮鬥; 鬥爭

democracy  民主

【評論主題】If I _________ rich enough, I _________ a luxurious house in downtown Taipei.(A) were / would buy 


豪華的; 非常舒適的; 精選的

【評論主題】2. 「ㄋㄧˋ」境求生:


comment  批評, 意見, 評論release 發行, 發表 釋放, 解放

mean 表示...的意思

【評論主題】If I _________ rich enough, I _________ a luxurious house in downtown Taipei.(A) were / would buy 


豪華的; 非常舒適的; 精選的

【評論主題】2. 「ㄋㄧˋ」境求生:


comment  批評, 意見, 評論release 發行, 發表 釋放, 解放

mean 表示...的意思

【評論主題】If I _________ rich enough, I _________ a luxurious house in downtown Taipei.(A) were / would buy 


豪華的; 非常舒適的; 精選的

【評論主題】2. 「ㄋㄧˋ」境求生:


comment  批評, 意見, 評論release 發行, 發表 釋放, 解放

mean 表示...的意思

【評論主題】2. 「ㄋㄧˋ」境求生:


comment  批評, 意見, 評論release 發行, 發表 釋放, 解放

mean 表示...的意思

【評論主題】15.A: ____________ ?B: I am a coast guard.(A) How have you been(B) What are you up to(C) How are you

【評論內容】coast guard  海上防衛隊

【評論主題】Mr. Johnson, _______ to retire in two months, was told that he could not get a penny because the com


pension  退休金; 養老金

declare  宣布

bankruptcy  破產

【評論主題】Obesity is _____ linked to a poor diet. If you are overweight, you’d better watch what you eat.(A)f


Obesity  肥胖; 過胖

(A)formally  正式地; 正規地

(B)carefully  小心謹慎地

(C)barely  僅僅, 勉強

(D)closely  接近地

【評論主題】The Su-Hua Highway is crippled due to a serious landslide. _____, we have no choice but to cancel ou


cripple  損壞

landslide  山崩; 滑坡

In addition  另外

in addition to  除...之外

sum up  計算

【評論主題】The massive shooting in the elementary school claimed 28 lives, _____ 20 children aged 5 to 7.(A)in


massive  大規模的

shooting  發射

claim  (疾病, 意外)奪去(生命)

【評論主題】42 The teenager who allegedly killed a woman when driving under the _______ of alcohol was handcuffe


alcohol  酒精

handcuff  給...戴上手銬

prosecutor 檢察官

influence  影響, 作用

【評論主題】10.If you are so easily discouraged by any ( ), how can you ever achieve anything? Hardships are the


encourage  鼓勵

Hardship  艱難, 困苦

brave  勇敢的

wise 有智慧的

【評論主題】4.When a complete stranger came over and intended to give me the ticket to the concert, my ______ re


intend  想要; 打算  +to-v

reaction  反應

decline 婉拒; 謝絕

friendliness  友情; 親切

weird 鬼怪似的; 怪誕的; 神祕的

(A)internal內部的  (B) immediate  立即的, 即刻的

(C)triumphant 勝利的; 成功的 (D)spectacular 壯觀的; 壯麗的

【評論主題】The local farmers are looking to advanced agriculture as better protection from foreign ________ aft


advanced  先進的

agriculture  農業

protection 保護

(A)invasion  入侵, 侵略

(B)expedition  遠征; 探險; 考察

(C)competition  競爭

(D)frustration 挫折, 失敗

【評論主題】Local police departments report using computers for a variety of  ______ functions, including recor


report  報導; 記述, 描述

function  功能, 作用

management  管理; 經營

 investigation  研究; 調查

dispatch  派遣; 發送; 快遞

【評論主題】Be___ , please. We are totally broke now and cannot afford a two-million-dollar sports car!(A)genero


(A)generous 慷慨的, 大方的

(B)practical  實踐的, 實際的

(D)optimistic 樂觀的

  pessimistic  悲觀的

【評論主題】It is our dream that one day we can live in _________, rather than conflicts and violence, with peop


conflict  衝突

violence 暴力

(A)harmony 和睦; 融洽

(B)benefit  利益, 好處

(C)substance 物質

(D)revolution  革命, 革命運動

【評論主題】下列「 」內成語的使用,何者正確?(A)公園裡只有幾株「枝葉扶疏」的禿樹,景象十分冷清(B)他們兩人「沆瀣一氣」,同心協力,為學校爭到好成績(C)他今年爭取到的業績「罄竹難書」,榮登最佳銷售員的榮

【評論內容】枝葉扶疏:①形容枝葉繁茂四布,高下疏密有致。②比喻分析事理詳明縝密。③比喻興旺發展。宵衣旰食 宵:夜間;衣:穿衣;旰:天已晚。天不亮就穿起衣來,時間晚了才吃飯。形容為處理國事而辛勤地工作。



鞭辟入裡 指研究學問要自我鞭策,深入精微之處。


吳下阿蒙 譏諷一個人沒有才學

養"癰"遺患 留著毒瘡不去醫治,就會成為後患。比喻縱容包庇壞人壞事,結果會遭受禍害。




【評論內容】首鼠兩端 形容猶豫不決的樣子。和光同塵 和、同:混合。和光:混合各種光彩;同塵:與塵俗相同。指不露鋒芒,與世無爭的消極處世態度。也比喻同流合污。


【評論內容】含英咀華 咀:細嚼,引伸為體味;英、華:這裏指精華。品味文章的要旨,咀嚼辭藻的華美。

【評論主題】You should have finished this work a week ago, but you didn’t. I think you should give me an _____.(


 (B)expression 表達; 表示

 (C)experiment 實驗; 試驗

【評論主題】This machine is_____.All you have to do is turn it on and it will operate by itself.(A)complicated(B


(A)complicated  複雜的; 難懂的

(B)familiar 熟悉的; 常見的

(C)automatic 自動的

(D)polite  有禮貌的

【評論主題】_______ the fact that the company has been losing several major contracts in the pastfew years, it i


contract 契約; 合同

influential  有影響的; 有權勢的

manufacturer 製造業者, 廠商, 廠主; 製造公司

Owing to  由於

As a matter of fact  事實上, 實際上

Despite  不管, 儘管, 任憑

【評論主題】The 1991 Nobel Peace Prize ________ to Aung San Suu Kyi, Burmese opposition leader, for her non-viol


violent 暴力的

struggle  奮鬥; 鬥爭

democracy  民主

【評論主題】The closest English word to The Chinese expression guanxi would be “relationship.” However, guanxi h

【評論內容】expression  表達; 表示,措辭; 詞句

【評論主題】37 The chemical factory is _____ the river and doing great damage to the natural environment.(A)pois


(A)poisoning   毒害; 敗壞; 玷污; 破壞

(B)increasing  增加

(C)displaying 陳列; 展出

(D)broadcasting  廣播, 播送

【評論主題】22.Unfortunately, the oil spill from the oil tanker has posed a _____ to marine life. A large quanti


spill  溢出; 濺出

tanker 油輪

pose n,姿勢 v,造成, 引起

marine 海的; 海生的

quantity 量A)threat 威脅, 恐嚇 (B)sweat  汗, 汗水

【評論主題】23.At a formal dinner, you should watch your table _____.(A)manners(B)partners(C)amounts(D)coaches


formal  正式的

(A)manners 禮貌; 規矩 (B)partners  伙伴 (C)amounts  總數; 總額(D)coaches 巴士, 公車

【評論主題】Vincent: That was certainly a fine movie, wasn't it?Joan: Fine movie? What are you talking abou


outstanding  顯著的; 傑出的

sooner or later  遲早, 早晚

【評論主題】You do not have to be ____ than your manager in order to manage the relationship.(A)clearer(B)deeper


manage  管理; 經營

manager 負責人; 主任, 經理

deeper  深的

【評論主題】Waiter: May I take your order now, sir?Steven: Yes, _____.(A)let’s go Dutch(B)keep the change(C)a so


go Dutch  各自付帳; 平攤費用


【評論主題】33 Night markets in Taiwan have become _______ tourist destinations. They are great places to shop f


tourist 旅遊的, 觀光的

destination 目的地

bargain 特價商品

typical 特有的

(A)tropical  熱帶的(B)popular (C)edible  可食用的(D)responsible 可信賴的

【評論主題】Commuters rely ____ a punctual, comfortable and safe public transport service to get them to work.(A


Commuter  通勤者

rely on  依賴, 依靠

punctual  準時的

【評論主題】The river is _____, so it is not clean.(A)flowing(B)destroyed(C)polluted(D)lying


flowing  流動的

destroy  毀壞, 破壞lying 

a. 形容詞

【評論主題】Don’t pat me on the back in the dark! You ________ me to death.(A) excited(B) pushed(C) scared(D) ar

【評論內容】pat  輕拍, 輕打argue  爭論, 辯論; 爭吵

【評論主題】It takes a lot of ________ to learn a foreign language. If you practice every day, you can surely ma

【評論內容】(A) effort 努力,(B) reason原因 (C) basis 基礎(D) proof 證據

【評論主題】36 Betty: What a wonderful cake! It was appetizing.Nancy: _____ Rita is really good at cooking.Betty

【評論內容】appetizing 開胃的; 刺激食慾的bake  烘, 烤

【評論主題】32 Sandra: I just read today’s newspaper. The city government is going to build a new retirement hom

【評論內容】retirement  退休; 退職depressed 沮喪的, 消沈的, 憂鬱的

【評論主題】6 John and Mary have a lot _____. For example, they both like Italian food and Hollywood movies.(A)


on call 隨叫隨到

on demand 一經要求; 承索