
4.When a complete stranger came over and intended to give me the ticket to the concert, my ______ reaction was to decline the offer because his friendliness seemed weird to me.
(B) immediate


統計:A(141),B(770),C(93),D(67),E(0) #
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【用戶】Evan Lin


【評論內容】intend  想要; 打算  +to-vreaction  反應decline 婉拒; 謝絕friendliness  友情; 親切weird 鬼怪似的; 怪誕的; 神祕的(A)internal內部的  (B) immediate  立即的, 即刻的(C)triumphant 勝利的; 成功的 (D)spectacular 壯觀的; 壯麗的

【用戶】Diana Hsu


【評論內容】internal reaction 內在反應




【用戶】Angus Yang


【評論內容】原本題目:When a complete stranger came over and intended to give me the ticket to the concert, my( ) reaction was to decline the offer because his friendliness seemed weird to me.(A)internal (B) immediate (C)triumphant (D)spectacular修改成為When a complete stranger came over and intended to give me the ticket to the concert, my ______ reaction was to decline the offer because his friendliness seemed weird to me.(A)internal (B) immediate (C)triumphant (D)spectacular

【用戶】Evan Lin


【評論內容】intend  想要; 打算  +to-v reaction  反應 decline   婉拒; 謝絕 friendliness  友情; 親切 weird   鬼怪似的; 怪誕的; .....看完整詳解




【用戶】Angus Yang


【評論內容】原本題目:When a complete stranger came over and intended to give me the ticket to the concert, my( ) reaction was to decline the offer because his friendliness seemed weird to me.(A)internal (B) immediate (C)triumphant (D)spectacular修改成為When a complete stranger came over and intended to give me the ticket to the concert, my ______ reaction was to decline the offer because his friendliness seemed weird to me.(A)internal (B) immediate (C)triumphant (D)spectacular

【用戶】骨頭(警 上榜)


【評論內容】(A)internal翻譯:體內的;內部的;國內的。(B)immediate翻譯:立即的,立刻的, 接近的,緊接的,直接的, 目前的;盡快的。了解更多。(C)triumphant翻譯:取得巨大成功的;歡欣鼓舞的;洋洋得意的。(D)spectacular翻譯:壯觀的,壯麗的;令人驚歎的, 非常大的,巨大的;驚人的, 壯觀場面; 盛大演出。

【用戶】Evan Lin


【評論內容】intend  想要; 打算  +to-v reaction  反應 decline   婉拒; 謝絕 friendliness  友情; 親切 weird   鬼怪似的; 怪誕的; .....看完整詳解




【用戶】Angus Yang


【評論內容】原本題目:When a complete stranger came over and intended to give me the ticket to the concert, my( ) reaction was to decline the offer because his friendliness seemed weird to me.(A)internal (B) immediate (C)triumphant (D)spectacular修改成為When a complete stranger came over and intended to give me the ticket to the concert, my ______ reaction was to decline the offer because his friendliness seemed weird to me.(A)internal (B) immediate (C)triumphant (D)spectacular



【評論內容】(A)internal翻譯:體內的;內部的;國內的。(B)immediate翻譯:立即的,立刻的, 接近的,緊接的,直接的, 目前的;盡快的。了解更多。(C)triumphant翻譯:取得巨大成功的;歡欣鼓舞的;洋洋得意的。(D)spectacular翻譯:壯觀的,壯麗的;令人驚歎的, 非常大的,巨大的;驚人的, 壯觀場面; 盛大演出。