
5.My brother, Carlson, loves music very much and knows how to play several musical , ( )such as the piano, the guitar, the trumpet, and the oboe.
(A) notes
(B) scores













【用戶】骨頭(警 上榜)


【評論內容】 composition翻譯:音樂/藝術, (音樂)作品,樂曲, 音樂創作(技巧),作曲(技巧), ( 繪畫或照片的)oboe翻譯:雙簧管。請更改題目排版:My brother, Carlson, loves music very much and knows how to play several musical ____, such as the piano, the guitar, the trumpet, and the oboe. 



【評論內容】原本題目:5.My brother, Carlson, loves music very much and knows how to play several musical , ( )such as the piano, the guitar, the trumpet, and the oboe.(A) notes (B) scores (C)instruments (D)compositions修改成為5.My brother, Carlson, loves music very much and knows how to play several musical ____, such as the piano, the guitar, the trumpet, and the oboe.(A) notes (B) scores (C)instruments (D)compositions






【評論內容】 composition翻譯:音樂/藝術, (音樂)作品,樂曲, 音樂創作(技巧),作曲(技巧), ( 繪畫或照片的)oboe翻譯:雙簧管。請更改題目排版:My brother, Carlson, loves music very much and knows how to play several musical ____, such as the piano, the guitar, the trumpet, and the oboe. 



【評論內容】原本題目:5.My brother, Carlson, loves music very much and knows how to play several musical , ( )such as the piano, the guitar, the trumpet, and the oboe.(A) notes (B) scores (C)instruments (D)compositions修改成為5.My brother, Carlson, loves music very much and knows how to play several musical ____, such as the piano, the guitar, the trumpet, and the oboe.(A) notes (B) scores (C)instruments (D)compositions