
III. 克漏字測驗(每題 2 分,共 4 分)
 29-30 題
 Jason lives far from his school, and he takes a bus to school every day. One day, he met a girl on the bus. The girlwas beautiful, so Jason   29   with her at first sight(視線) . To him, the girl was the most(最) beautiful girl. Jasonwanted to make friends with her. A few days later, he gave the girl a note and it said, “If(如果) you wantto make friends with me, please give the note back to me. If not,   30   .” After a moment( 過了一會兒) ,the girl gave the note back to Jason. Jason was happy because the girl didn’t throw the note away. Heopened it quickly, and it said, “Sorry, I can’t open the window. It is broken(壞了) .”
(A) sat in a circle
(B) fell in love
(C) passed away
(D) got married




【用戶】Christina Tun


【評論內容】Jason lives far from ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆...