
五、閱讀測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】 Video games provide a fun escape from reality for most teenagers, but they’re considered violent, and a waste of time byparents. The struggle between parent and child has raged on for years. Besides being a unique source of amusement, however,can video games actually make you smarter? Contrary to what most parents believe, many studies have shown that this may actually be the case. After playing video games, researchers have seen increases in cognitive function. One study had a portion of the participants play Super Mario 64 for 30 minutes a day over two months. Afterwards, the participants’ gray matter in the brain increased in areas associated with memory, strategic planning, and fine motor skills of the hands, compared to their counterparts. More gray matter means better functions!Video games can also be educational for children with mental disorders. In one study, they help kids who suffer from Dyslexia read more effectively. Again, in a small study, dyslexic children who played regular video games ended up reading faster and more accurately.Even though video games can actually be beneficial, excessive gaming is definitely harmful to anyone. Plus, the newly found skills from gameplay won’t have anywhere to go if gaming is his or her only occupation. So while it is beneficial to enjoy some gameplay once in a while, remember that one’s real life is even more diverse than the virtual world, and it needs tending to as well!
【題組】76. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) Video games are used as teaching tools for teenagers.
(B) Playing games in the right amount may be beneficial to learning.
(C) What parents think of video games is out of date.
(D) The more games you play, the smarter you become.









【評論內容】Plus, the newly found skills from gameplay won’t have anywhere Plus, the newly found skills from game play won’t have anywhere 是這樣嗎??是不是少空格