
I had to ______ Jack’s invitation to the party because it conflicted with an important business meeting.
(A) decline
(B) depart
(C) devote
(D) deserve




【用戶】Allen Lai


【評論內容】decline 婉拒

【用戶】Yiju Chen


【評論內容】conflict 沖突,矛盾,爭執(vi.)爭執,撞鬥,沖突,抵觸



【評論內容】(A) decline  v. 拒絕,謝絕〔例句〕◆ I invited him to the meeting but he declined. 我邀請他參加那次會議,但他謝絕了。◆ He declined my offer. 他拒絕了我的提議。◆ They declined to tell me how they had obtained my address. 他們拒絕透露是如何得到我的地址的。(B) depart  v. 起程,出發;離開,離去〔例句〕◆ The plane departs at 6 a.m. 那架飛機在早上六時起飛。◆ They departed at noon. 他們於中午離開。(C) devote  v. 將…貢獻給,把…奉獻給〔例句〕◆ He devoted himself to writing. 他專心寫作。◆ He was still devoted to the study of chemistry. 他仍專心致力於化學研究。◆ He has devoted his whole life ...

【用戶】Allen Lai


【評論內容】decline 婉拒

【用戶】Yiju Chen


【評論內容】conflict 沖突,矛盾,爭執(vi.)爭執,撞鬥,沖突,抵觸



【評論內容】(A) decline  v. 拒絕,謝絕〔例句〕◆ I invited him to the meeting but he declined. 我邀請他參加那次會議,但他謝絕了。◆ He declined my offer. 他拒絕了我的提議。◆ They declined to tell me how they had obtained my address. 他們拒絕透露是如何得到我的地址的。(B) depart  v. 起程,出發;離開,離去〔例句〕◆ The plane departs at 6 a.m. 那架飛機在早上六時起飛。◆ They departed at noon. 他們於中午離開。(C) devote  v. 將…貢獻給,把…奉獻給〔例句〕◆ He devoted himself to writing. 他專心寫作。◆ He was still devoted to the study of chemistry. 他仍專心致力於化學研究。◆ He has devoted his whole life ...