
(A) insufferables
(B) insusceptibles
(C) insatiables
(D) intangibles






【評論內容】正確答案是(D)intangibles(無形的)。在句子中,空格前面提到虛擬環境中的缺失,專家們認為初級職員缺少了獲取重要的行為、合作和建立人脈的重要線索。因此,選擇「無形的」(intangibles)作為適合的選項,表示這些關鍵的指導和線索是無法直接感知或觸摸的。這些擔憂主要圍繞著無形工作場所中互動的缺失Many of these worries revolve around the absence of workplace  intangibles (A) insufferables無法忍受的: The working conditions in that company are  insufferables.(B) insusceptibles不容易受影響: Despite the economic downturn, the team members seem insusceptibles by the changes.(C) insatiables貪得無厭: His appetite for success seems insatiable; he is constantly striving for more achievements.(D) intangibles無形的: Building relationships and networking are important intangibles in this professional field.



【評論內容】正確答案是(D)intangibles(無形的)。在句子中,空格前面提到虛擬環境中的缺失,專家們認為初級職員缺少了獲取重要的行為、合作和建立人脈的重要線索。因此,選擇「無形的」(intangibles)作為適合的選項,表示這些關鍵的指導和線索是無法直接感知或觸摸的。這些擔憂主要圍繞著無形工作場所中互動的缺失Many of these worries revolve around the absence of workplace  intangibles (A) insufferables無法忍受的: The working conditions in that company are  insufferables.(B) insusceptibles不容易受影響: Despite the economic downturn, the team members seem insusceptibles by the changes.(C) insatiables貪得無厭: His appetite for success seems insatiable; he is constantly striving for more achievements.(D) intangibles無形的: Building relationships and networking are important intangibles in this professional field.