
【題組】38. In the second paragraph, the author quotes Robert Frost in order to
(A) make a clear distinction between prose and poetry
(B) clarify the meaning of grievances
(C) advocate the importance of propaganda
(D) denounce prose
(E) bolster the idea that grief is celebrated in poetry




【用戶】Mon Mothma ?


【評論內容】從 'Implicit in poetry is the notion that we are deepened by heartbreaks, that we are not so much diminished as enlarged by grief, by our refusal to vanish---to let others vanish--without leaving a verbal record. Poetry is a stubborn art.' 可知quote Robert Frost 的意涵為襯托出grief (e.g. heartbreaks) 透過poetry表達是一種藝術,能知道應選(E)。此篇文章重點在grief,非poetry或prose或grievances,因此(A) (B) 不恰當。*bolster: support*prose: 散文體*grievances: 委屈、不滿*grief: 悲傷*implicit: imply, 隱含

【用戶】Mon Mothma ?


【評論內容】從 'Implicit in poetry is the notion that we are deepened by heartbreaks, that we are not so much diminished as enlarged by grief, by our refusal to vanish---to let others vanish--without leaving a verbal record. Poetry is a stubborn art.' 可知quote Robert Frost 的意涵為襯托出grief (e.g. heartbreaks) 透過poetry表達是一種藝術,能知道應選(E)。此篇文章重點在grief,非poetry或prose或grievances,因此(A) (B) 不恰當。*bolster: support*prose: 散文體*grievances: 委屈、不滿*grief: 悲傷*implicit: imply, 隱含