【評論主題】【題組】32. Where does the following sentence best belong?Often the diagnosis is straightforward.(A) At



...These forms of evidence-based medicine allow patients to benefit from the thoughtful application of what's been shown to be the most effective therapy.

       But effective therapy depends on accurate diagnosis. ...再來(A)也不可能,還沒開頭什麼diagnosis嘛;(B)不行因為第三段才開始正式談diagnosis: "But effective therapy depends on accurate diagnosis."最後,(E)是講較複雜的情況,不straightforward,所以不選。剩下(D),的確是再說較簡單的案例,因此可以當段落開頭,選(D)。

【評論主題】【題組】38. In the second paragraph, the author quotes Robert Frost in order to(A) make a clear distinct

【評論內容】從 'Implicit in poetry is the notion that we are deepened by heartbreaks, that we are not so much diminished as enlarged by grief, by our refusal to vanish---to let others vanish--without leaving a verbal record. Poetry is a stubborn art.' 可知quote Robert Frost 的意涵為襯托出grief (e.g. heartbreaks) 透過poetry表達是一種藝術,能知道應選(E)。此篇文章重點在grief,非poetry或prose或grievances,因此(A) (B) 不恰當。*bolster: support*prose: 散文體*grievances: 委屈、不滿*grief: 悲傷*implicit: imply, 隱含

【評論主題】【題組】32. According to the author, which of the following is likely to be what Xi expects toachieve by


由第三段提到:'Or it could be that Xi envisions a world order with authoritarianism at its core and with China at its center. '可知答案為(D)

【評論主題】【題組】32. Where does the following sentence best belong?Often the diagnosis is straightforward.(A) At



...These forms of evidence-based medicine allow patients to benefit from the thoughtful application of what's been shown to be the most effective therapy.

       But effective therapy depends on accurate diagnosis. ...再來(A)也不可能,還沒開頭什麼diagnosis嘛;(B)不行因為第三段才開始正式談diagnosis: "But effective therapy depends on accurate diagnosis."最後,(E)是講較複雜的情況,不straightforward,所以不選。剩下(D),的確是再說較簡單的案例,因此可以當段落開頭,選(D)。

【評論主題】【題組】38. In the second paragraph, the author quotes Robert Frost in order to(A) make a clear distinct

【評論內容】從 'Implicit in poetry is the notion that we are deepened by heartbreaks, that we are not so much diminished as enlarged by grief, by our refusal to vanish---to let others vanish--without leaving a verbal record. Poetry is a stubborn art.' 可知quote Robert Frost 的意涵為襯托出grief (e.g. heartbreaks) 透過poetry表達是一種藝術,能知道應選(E)。此篇文章重點在grief,非poetry或prose或grievances,因此(A) (B) 不恰當。*bolster: support*prose: 散文體*grievances: 委屈、不滿*grief: 悲傷*implicit: imply, 隱含

【評論主題】【題組】32. According to the author, which of the following is likely to be what Xi expects toachieve by


由第三段提到:'Or it could be that Xi envisions a world order with authoritarianism at its core and with China at its center. '可知答案為(D)

【評論主題】48. Phenylketonuria is an inborn error of metabolism that results in decreasedmctabolism of the amin


phenylalanine hydroxylase: BH4 dependent 

【評論主題】閱讀下文後回答 36-37 題邑有王生,行七,故家子。少慕道,聞勞山多仙人,負笈往遊。登一頂,有觀宇,甚幽。一道士坐蒲團上,素髮垂領,而神觀爽邁。叩而與語,理甚玄妙。請師之,道士曰:「恐嬌惰不能作苦。


【評論主題】27. 「浮生長恨歡娛少,肯愛千金輕一笑。爲君持酒勸斜陽,且向花間留晚照。」下列何者與引文的意涵最相近?(A) 落魄江湖載酒行,楚腰纖細掌中輕。(B) 料峭春風吹酒醒,微冷,山頭斜照卻相迎。(C) 人
