
【題組】32. Where does the following sentence best belong?Often the diagnosis is straightforward.
(A) At the beginning of paragraph 1
(B) At the beginning of paragraph 2
(C) At the beginning of paragraph 3
(D) At the beginning of paragraph 4
(E) At the beginning of paragraph 5




【用戶】Mon Mothma ?


【評論內容】首先刪去(C),因為第二段的尾和第三段的開頭是連貫的,所以不會插入其他句子。...These forms of evidence-based medicine allow patients to benefit from the thoughtful application of what's been shown to be the most effective therapy.       But effective therapy depends on accurate diagnosis. ...再來(A)也不可能,還沒開頭什麼diagnosis嘛;(B)不行因為第三段才開始正式談diagnosis: "But effective therapy depends on accurate diagnosis."最後,(E)是講較複雜的情況,不straightforward,所以不選。剩下(D),的確是再說較簡單的案例,因此可以當段落開頭,選(D)。

【用戶】Mon Mothma ?


【評論內容】首先刪去(C),因為第二段的尾和第三段的開頭是連貫的,所以不會插入其他句子。...These forms of evidence-based medicine allow patients to benefit from the thoughtful application of what's been shown to be the most effective therapy.       But effective therapy depends on accurate diagnosis. ...再來(A)也不可能,還沒開頭什麼diagnosis嘛;(B)不行因為第三段才開始正式談diagnosis: "But effective therapy depends on accurate diagnosis."最後,(E)是講較複雜的情況,不straightforward,所以不選。剩下(D),的確是再說較簡單的案例,因此可以當段落開頭,選(D)。



【評論內容】Where does the following sentence best belong? Often the diagnosis is straightforward.下面這句話最適合放在哪裡? 診斷通常很簡單。The patient's story and exam suggest a likely suspect and the technology of diagnosis rapidly confirms and hunch.患者的故事和檢查表明可能有嫌疑,診斷技術迅速證實和預感。