
四. 閱讀測驗(每題 2 分,共 20分)
Kim and Albee are standing near the Queen’s head in Yehliu Geopark (野柳地質公園).
 Kim: Wow! Many people are taking a photo with it.
Albee: It’s the most famous one here. Hurry up! Let’s join the line.(Thirty minutes later)
 Kim: Finally!     1.     Albee, say “cheese” to the camera. Nice!
 Albee: That man over there is kind. He wants to     2.  us take a picture. We two can go in at the same time.Kim: We enjoy the view and meet friendly people. Today’s our day, right?
 Albee:   3.      By the way, do you want to see the photos?
Kim: Sure. No way! I only see the Queen’s head.
 Albee: Well, that man is nice, but he is not good at taking pictures.
 Kim: Now we have to join the long line again. Albee,   4.   : If you ask someone for help, make sure he or she can do it.
 Albee: Come on. It’s OK. Let’s get closer to the Queen’s head once again.

(A) It’s our turn.
(B) We tried our best.
(C)Someone took our place.
(D) We are far behind.






【評論內容】我們可以從文中得知 第三行"Let’s join the line. "的行為是,他們正在排隊,接著"Thirty minutes later",三十分鐘過去了,Kim說"Finally!"終於啊!(A) It’s our turn. 輪到我們了(B) We tried our best. 我們盡力了(C) Someone took our place. 有人插隊(D) We are far behind. 我們還差得遠呢!依據題意,我們能將C、D刪掉,CD接代表排隊尚未結束,就不繪有Finally一說。再來,要接續看文章,A的描述It’s our turn相較B的描述We tried our best.比較沒有哀怨的感覺,也符合文章的描述,而且接下來他們正在開心地拍照,故選擇A。