
 (2)          New studies show children should not watch TV, tablet or phone screens before bedtime. Screens of tablets and phones now are becoming smaller, so children can look at them in bed and most of them have some kind of screen in their bedroom. However, new studies show "screen time" before sleeping is bad for children's health. They said screen time delays bedtime. First, the light from screens upsets a child's body clock. It gets into children's eyes before they sleep, and makes children think it is daytime. Second, children watch videos of things that excite them and this keeps their brain active. Finally, when children are watching screens, they are not exercising, so they are not tired. The three reasons make it take longer for children to sleep and affect children’s sleep badly.
 * tablet平板screen螢幕 upset使混亂 excite使興奮 affect 影響
【題組】45. What is the main idea of the reading?
(A) Children shouldn’t watch screens.
(B) Children should keep away from screens before sleeping.
(C) Parents shouldn't let their children watch screens alone.
(D) Parents must make sure their children go to bed early.






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