
Part B: Cloze It is a well-documented phenomenon that some war veterans suffer from repetitive, ___31___nightmares of the battlefields, which contain memories that had completely slipped their minds___32___decades but returned in exquisite detail and with great intensity. Psychologists ___33___ believethat in these nightmares the veterans “re-lived” something that had really happened. Despite the veterans’wish to forget the unpleasant experiences of war, these frightening memories had remained intact in theirminds, ready to come back and haunt them like a ghost when ___34___ defenses were low. Current dreamresearchers have a very different perspective. They observe that these overwhelming moments of priorexperiences often involved the veterans’ worst fears, rather than actual combat episodes. In other words,___35___ incidents are visions that mix fantasy and reality. Memories are not simply activated pictures inthe mind but complex reconstructions.
(A) terrify
(B) terrifying
(C) terrified
(D) terror






【評論內容】明文紀載有些離開戰場的軍人會重複地夢到可怕的戰場噩夢A) 使害怕(v) The idea of parachuting out of a plane terrifies me.B) 可怕的(adj) a terrifying experience/ordealC) 害怕的(adj) I'm terrified of the dark. / He huddled in the corner like a terrified child.D) 害怕(n) Heights have/hold no terrors for me.本題因後面接nightmares,因此可斷定需選擇形容詞B或C,而惡夢是可怕的,人才會感覺到害怕



【評論內容】terrifying 修飾 nightmares