
四、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】    Muhammd Yunus was an economics professor when Bangladesh was 51 a terriblefamine in 1974. Millions of starving people flocked into the cities and needed food. He decided todo something to help these poor souls. Therefore, 52 his students to the countryside toobserve the lives of the poor, he 53 an idea that would change the fate of millions of lives.He offered loans to the women who suffered for a very small debt with unfair condition. Soon,they began saving and were able to pay him back. This improved their living condition a lot.    This small success gave Yunus an idea. He got support from a major government bank to payfor his project and 54 the Grameen Bank. Since then, he 55 to helping the poor. Andhe’ll keep on working for his ideals all his life.
(A) suffering from
(B) succeeding in
(C) searching for
(D) going about






【評論內容】(A) suffering from 遭受(B) succeeding in 成功;接連(C) searching for 尋找(D) going about 從事 when Bangladesh was suffering from a terrible famine當孟加拉遭受可怕的饑荒穆罕默德·尤納斯是一位經濟學教授,當時孟加拉國在1974年遭受了可怕的飢荒。數百萬飢餓的人湧入城市,需要食物。 他決定做點什麼來幫助這些可憐的人。 因此,他把學生帶到農村去觀察窮人的生活,想出了一個可以改變千百萬人命運的想法。 他向那些遭受不公平條件的微型借款婦女提供貸款。 不久,他們開始儲蓄,並能夠還清他。 這改善了他們的生活條件。    這個小小的成功給了尤納斯一個想法。 他得到了一家大型政府銀行的支持來支付他的計劃,並成立了格萊珉銀...