
V. Cloze Test 克漏字測驗 Xin-ling Shen, an ordinary Taiwanese girl, is an angel to many people on the island of Taiwan. Born into a   (41)   family, she was forced to travel with her parents in different night markets. Because of her family’s unstable lifestyle, she didn’t have the chance to go to preschool.  (42)  , she grabbed every chance to learn. At twelve, she showed a talent   (43)  computer networking. She helped her parents sell clothes online and devised an online system to help farmers promote their produce. By the time she was fourteen, she  (44)   NT$1 million. Surprisingly, she gave all the money to charity, designed a website to provide poor children with free subjects online, and planned summer camps for impoverished kids. Apart from her dedication to education, she showed her concern for the basic dignity of the poor by taking photos of the poor and had them   (45)  with footnotes. Xin-ling has been described as an angel and is the positive role model of every one of us.
(A) disadvantaged
(B) privileged
(C) dedicated
(D) professional

