
For years, people thought the Red Planet, Mars, was a dry planet. (26) the beginning, it seemed impossible to find flowing water on Mars. There was only ice (27) its low temperature. But now everything is different. After three years of exploring on Mars, NASA’s Curiosity Rover finally found water! NASA’s Curiosity Rover (28) on Mars since 2013. Four months ago, it found the rocks under the surface containing water. This discovery showed the evidence of flowing water on Mars. By discovering flowing water, NASA scientists also believe, just like the Earth, there were once oceans, fresh water lakes and rivers on Mars. But something happened to it and made it (29) most of its water. With the exciting discovery of flowing water, there might be more surprises on Mars. Finding aliens could be one of them because water is one of the keys to life. (30) out more, Curiosity Rover will keep exploring the Red Planet for us.  flowing 流動的 explore探索 Curiosity Rover好奇號surface表面 contain包含 discovery發現evidence證據alien外星人
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