
Since the early 1990s, the Internet has become a powerful force in both communication and business. Some people have compared the Internet business boom with the gold rush thinking in the US in the 1800s. And like the gold rush of that time, there has been a lot of exaggeration and oversimplification about how easy it is to “get rich quick.” Several of the biggest myths about e-commerce are discussed below.The biggest myth about e-commerce is “It’s easy.” It’s true that putting up a website is easy. But for a site to be effective at selling products is a lot harder. As Charles Feld explains, “A website is like an iceberg. What you see looks small and simple, but below it there are a lot of complicated issues.” Another myth is “It’s cheap.” But especially for large companies which are trying to set up full online commerce sites, the costs are never low. A survey of 100 businesses found that most companies spend about US$750,000 just for the technology of doing e-commerce. Then there are the costs related to marketing the e-commerce sites. Other costs come from integrating the existing business with the business done online. Still another myth is that “Everybody is doing it.” It may be true that almost every company has a website, but many of these sites are for information rather than for commerce. The reason for this is that many companies do not see e-commerce as a big advantage over the old ways of doing business. Customers also just do not see an advantage to shopping online for things like clothes. Online they cannot actually try on the clothes or feel the material.
【題組】37 Which of the following statements best describes the main idea of this passage?
(A)It’s cheap to set up a website for e-commerce.
(B)Both the gold rush and e-commerce are a get-rich-quick scheme.
(C)Many people have some wrong ideas about doing business online.
(D)Making money through e-commerce is easier than opening a store to sell products.


統計:A(14),B(25),C(104),D(25),E(0) #
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