
Sentence completion (1*10)身為一個在準備大學考試的高中生,Alison想要實現她的夢想並達到父母的期待。她的學業表現一向傑出,這也讓大家對她評價很高。但這也帶給她許多壓力。朋友們擔心她的健康。但當他們問她要不要休息一下,Alison只以聳肩及微笑回應他們。她擔心無法達到自己的標準,所以編造許多藉口阻止自己休息。幸運的是,家人們注意到她的焦慮並試著安撫她,而她也終於重獲自信。若非他們的愛和支持,Alison恐怕早已壓力大得崩潰。As a senior high school student who had been preparing for the college entrance exam, Alison wanted to ___61___ her ___62__ and met her parents’ expectation ____63___. Her academic performances had always been outstanding, which made everyone ____64__ her. But it also gave her much pressure. Her friends ___65___ her health. But when they asked her to take a rest, Alison just _____66___ and smiled in ___67___ to their words. She was afraid that she would ___68___ to reach her standard, so she ___69__ many excuses to stop her from resting. Fortunately, her family members noticed her anxiety and tried to soothe her, and she finally regained confidence. __70__ their love and support, Alison might have stressed out already.

