
請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題:
         The most common question that curator Edward Bleiberg fields from visitors is a straightforward but salient one:Why are the statues’ noses broken?Bleiberg, who __21__ the Brooklyn museum's extensive holdings of Egyptian, Classical and ancient Near Eastern art, was surprised the first few times he heard this question. He had taken for __22__ that the sculptures were damaged; his training in Egyptology encouraged visualizing how a statue would look if it were still __23__ . It might seem inevitable that after thousands of years, an ancient artifact would show wear and __24__ . But this simple observation led Bleiberg to uncover a widespread pattern of deliberate destruction, which pointed to a complex set of reasons why most works of Egyptian art came to be __25__ in the first place.
(A) oversees
(B) alienates
(C) devastates
(D) fortells






【評論內容】Bleiberg, who __21__ the Brooklyn museum's extensive holdings of Egyptian, Classical and ancient Near Eastern art, was surprised the first few times he heard this question.負責監督布魯克林博物館大量藏品的埃及、古典和古代近東藝術的布萊伯格在最一開始聽到這問題時感到驚訝。(A) oversees監督(B) alienates疏遠(C) devastates破壞(D) fortells預言原文 https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-egyptian-statues-broken-noses 總覺得這篇沒有截的很好,這會讓人好奇為啥要故意損壞雕像的鼻子阿~